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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

It's Steve and Maggie. Wow English TV.


Okay. That's my mom. Upload the photo.

好是 这是我的妈妈 上传照片

My dad goes here. Upload. Good, good.

我的爸爸在这里 上传照片 不错 不错

That's my brother. Upload the photo. My sister, yeah. And. Aha. Me.

这是我的弟弟 上传照片 我的妹妹 是的 还有 啊哈 我自己

Great. That's my family.

太好啦 这就是我的家庭

Oh, hey. Hello boys and girls. Hi. I'm working on my family tree.

哦 嘿 天使们 嗨 我在做我们家的家谱图

So is Maggie. But I don't know, where Maggie is?

麦琪也在做 但是比我不知道麦琪在哪里

Anyway. Look at my family tree.

总之 先看看我家的家谱图吧

Hey, look. This is my brother. My sister and me. My dad and my mom.

嘿 看 这是我的弟弟、我的妹妹、还有我 我的爸爸 还有我的妈妈

But hey. Who goes here?

但是 嘿 这里是谁呢

Hmm. Well. That is my mom's mom.

嗯 好的 这里是我妈妈的妈妈

I've got a photo here. Hey look. Uploading.

我这里有照片 嘿 看 上传

Oh oh. Who is it. It's my grandma.

哦哦 她是谁 这是我的外婆

Hey. So, my mom's mom, my grandma goes here. Great.

嘿 所以 我妈妈的妈妈 也就是我的外婆 在这里 非常棒

But who goes here? Well. That is my mom's dad. It's my yeah granddad.

但是这里又是谁呢 好的 这里是我妈妈的爸爸 就是我的~耶~我的外公

Hey. Let's pretend to be old grandads.

嘿 咱们假装自己是外公吧

When I say, who is it? You say, it's granddad.

当我说“他是谁”的时候 你们就说“他是外公”

So, who is it? It's granddad. Who is it? It's granddad.

所以 他是谁 他是外公 他是谁 他是外公

And again. Who is it? It's granddad. Well done.

再来一遍 他是谁 他是外公 非常棒

So, my granddad goes here, because my granddad is my mom's dad.

所以 我的外公在这里 因为我的外公是我妈妈的爸爸

Okay. Who is this? This is my uncle. His name is David. It's uncle David.

好的 他是谁 他是我的叔叔 他叫大卫 这是大卫叔叔

So, my uncle David goes here, because my uncle is my mom's brother. Yeah.

所以 我的大卫叔叔放在这里 因为大卫叔叔是我妈妈的弟弟 耶

Okay. Who goes here? Hmm. That's a bit more difficult. Isn't it?

好的 那么这里放谁呢 嗯 这个有点儿难是不是

Well. I'll show you. Oh look. This is my auntie. It's my auntie Sarah.

没事 我来给你展示 哦 看 这是我的婶婶 她是我的萨拉婶婶

Again. When I say, who is it? You say, it's auntie Sarah.

还是一样 当我说“他是谁”的时候 你们就说“她是萨拉婶婶”


So, who is it? It's auntie Sarah. Auntie Sarah goes here by my uncle.

所以 她是谁 她是萨拉婶婶 萨拉婶婶放在这里 在叔叔旁边

Okay. But hey. My uncle and my aunt have got a little baby.

好的 但是 嘿 我的叔叔和婶婶有一个小宝宝

Oh. Look. Here she is. It's my cousin Kate.

哦 看 就是她了 她是我的堂妹凯特

Hey. Let's pretend to be little babies. When I say, who is it? You say, it's cousin Kate.

嘿 咱们学小宝宝吧 当我说“他是谁”的时候 你们就说“她是堂妹凯特”

So, who is it? It's cousin Kate. Who is it? It's cousin Kate. Who is it? It's cousin Kate. Yeah. Well done.

所以 她是谁 她是堂妹凯特 她是谁 她是堂妹凯特 她是谁 她是堂妹凯特 耶 真棒

It's my cousin. Hey. Have you got any cousins? Yeah. How many cousins have you got?

这是我的堂妹 嘿 你有堂兄弟姐妹吗 耶 有几个呢

Hey Steve.

嘿 史蒂夫

Hi Maggie.

嘿 麦琪

Hey. Who's that?

嘿 他是谁

Oh, who's that? I'll give you a clue. Maybe you can help.

哦 他是谁 我给你个提示吧 或许你就知道了

Maggie, this is my uncle and auntie's little baby. It's my cousin. Hihi.

麦琪 这是我的叔叔和婶婶的宝宝 是我的~堂妹 嘿嘿

Yeah. My cousin. Oh hey. Maggie. Who's this? Do you know?

没错 是我的堂妹 哦 嘿 麦琪 这是谁 你知道吗

I'll give you a clue. It's my mom's brother. Aha. It's my uncle. Uncle, yeah.

我给你个提示 他是我妈妈的弟弟 啊哈 所以他是我的~叔叔 叔叔 是的

One more. Maggie. Who's this? Can you help Maggie?

再来一个 麦琪 他是谁 大家能帮一下麦琪吗

Look, this is my mom's dad. Haha. Who is it? It's my granddad. Hey. Granddad. Hey, great.

看 他是我妈妈的爸爸 哈哈 他是谁呢 他是我的~外公 嘿 外公 嘿 太棒了

Hey Steve. I finished my family tree.

嘿 史蒂夫 我的家谱图也做好了

Really. You finished your family tree?

真的吗 你的家谱图也做好了?



Okay. Let's go and have a look.

好的 咱们过去看看

Oh. Wow. Look at Maggie's family tree. Oh. Hello everyone. Haha. Hello.

哦 哇哦 看看麦琪的家谱图 哦 大家好 哈哈 哈喽

Look. Maggie's got lots of uncles, lots of aunties, lots of cousins, brothers and sisters. Oh. Such a noisy family.

看 麦琪有很多叔叔 很多婶婶 很多堂兄弟姐妹 很多哥哥和妹妹 哦 多热闹的一家啊

See you next time everyone. Bye, bye. Heyyyy.

下次见 拜 拜 嘿嘿嘿嘿

Hey. Did you like that? Yeah? Then please like it, if you love it, you can subscribe. Just touch here. Go on.

嘿 你们喜欢这个节目吗 嗯 那就点击“喜欢”吧 如果你们喜欢的话 就订阅吧 点击这里即可 去吧

If you want to watch another Steve and Maggie clip, touch here. Yeah. Thank you.

如果你们想看其他的史蒂夫和麦琪的视频 请点击这里 耶 谢谢

重点单词   查看全部解释    
clip [klip]


n. 夹子,钳,回形针,弹夹
n. 修剪,(羊

pretend [pri'tend]


v. 假装,装作
adj. 假装的





