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爱的教育(MP3+中英字幕) 第261期:六月-难船(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

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"So," concluded the little maid, "my father and mother thought that I would return rich, and instead I am returning poor. But they will love me all the same. And so will my brothers. I have four, all small. I am the oldest at home. I dress them. They will be greatly delighted to see me. They will come in on tiptoe--"The sea is ugly!" Then she asked the boy: "And are you going to stay with your relatives?" "Yes, if they want me." "Do not they love you?" "I don't know." "I shall be thirteen at Christmas," said the girl.


Then they began to talk about the sea, and the people on board around them. They remained near each other all day, exchanging a few words now and then. The passengers thought them brother and sister. The girl knitted at a stocking, the boy meditated, the sea continued to grow rougher. At night, as they parted to go to bed, the girl said to Mario, "Sleep well." "No one will sleep well, my poor children!" exclaimed the Italian sailor as he ran past, in answer to a call from the captain. The boy was on the point of replying with a "good night" to his little friend, when an unexpected dash of water dealt him a violent blow, and flung him against a seat. "My dear, you are bleeding!" cried the girl, flinging herself upon him.



The passengers who were making their escape below, paid no heed to them. The child knelt down beside Mario, who had been stunned by the blow, wiped the blood from his brow, and pulling the red kerchief from her hair, she bound it about his head, then pressed his head to her breast in order to knot the ends, and thus received a spot of blood on her yellow bodice just above the girdle. Mario shook himself and rose: "Are you better?" asked the girl. "I no longer feel it," he replied. "Sleep well," said Giulietta. "Good night," responded Mario.


And they descended two neighboring sets of steps to their dormitories. The sailor's prediction proved correct. Before they could get to sleep, a frightful tempest had broken loose. It was like the sudden onslaught of furious great horses, which in the course of a few minutes split one mast, and carried away three boats which were suspended to the falls, and four cows on the bow, like leaves. On board the steamer there arose a confusion, a terror, an uproar, a tempest of shrieks, wails, and prayers, sufficient to make the hair stand on end. The tempest continued to increase in fury all night. At daybreak it was still increasing. The formidable waves dashing the craft transversely, broke over the deck, and smashed, split, and hurled everything into the sea.


The platform which screened the engine was destroyed, and the water dashed in with a terrible roar; the fires were extinguished; the engineers fled; huge and impetuous streams forced their way everywhere. A voice of thunder shouted: "To the pumps!" It was the captain's voice. The sailors rushed to the pumps. But a sudden burst of the sea, striking the vessel on the stern, demolished bulwarks and hatchways, and sent a flood within. All the passengers, more dead than alive, had taken refuge in the grand saloon. At last the captain made his appearance. "Captain! Captain!" they all shrieked in concert.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
mast [mɑ:st]


n. 船桅,旗杆,天线杆 abbr. 磁性环形激波管(风

striking ['straikiŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,显著的
n. 打击

formidable ['fɔ:midəbl]


adj. 强大的,可怕的,难对付的

violent ['vaiələnt]


adj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的

unexpected ['ʌnik'spektid]


adj. 想不到的,意外的



adj. 悬浮的;暂停的,缓期的(宣判)

impetuous [im'petjuəs]


adj. 冲动的,猛烈的,轻率的

refuge ['refju:dʒ]


n. 避难(处), 庇护(所)
v. 庇护,避

vessel ['vesl]


n. 容器,器皿,船,舰
n. 脉管,血

craft [krɑ:ft]


n. 工艺,手艺,狡诈,航空器,行会成员


关键字: 有声读物 爱的教育




