Dr.Meg Autry at UCSF OB/GYN said she has had the idea for a vessel that would provide surgical abortions and reproductive health care services for a very long time.
But it was the recent Supreme Court decision that helped inspire her to kick it into gear.
She's now spearheading the PRROWESS, which stands for Protecting Reproductive Rights of Women Endangered by State Statutes.
The vessel would be located in federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico, near states where abortions are banned.
She wants to offer the services at low or no cost.
"People that care deeply about access to reproductive rights know that we have to be innovative and creative in order for patients to be able to continue to have access.
We know internationally that when access is limited or abortion is illegal, patients die."
The cost at least 20 million dollars.
Dr. Autry said the PRROWESS is looking for donations, and ideally a donated boat.
She knows that pulling this off won't be easy. The group is already working with a team of attorneys.
"There's operational, logistics, there's the whole idea of maritime law and then there's obviously security, there's liability, I mean the challenges are countless."