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第二章 在黎明踏浪号上(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Caspian led them aft, stepping from bench to bench; at least, it was stepping for him, and something between a step and a jump for Lucy, and a real long jump for Reepicheep.

凯斯宾带他们走到船尾, 从一个长凳跨到另一个长凳, 他的确是名副其实的跨, 露茜则是边跳边跨, 而对雷佩契普来说, 那就不能称作跨了, 简直就是大幅度地跳。

In this way they came to a partition with a door in it.

就这样, 他们走到一块有门的隔板前。

Caspian opened the door and led them into a cabin which filled the stern underneath the deck cabins in the poop.

凯斯宾打开门, 带他们走了进去, 这间舱房正好在船尾几间甲板舱下面的尾部,

It was of course not so nice.


It was very low and the sides sloped together as they went down so that there was hardly any floor;and though it had windows of thick glass, they were not made to open because they were under water.

房间很低, 屋顶根本没有天花板, 墙壁都是倾斜着靠在一起的。他们一路走过去, 船里一点空隙都没有了。虽然里面有厚厚的玻璃窗, 却打不开, 因为它们都在水下。

In fact at this very moment, as the ship pitched they were alternately golden with sunlight and dim green with the sea.

不过, 这个时候如果船身前后颠簸, 舱房里就会一下子闪烁着金色的阳光, 一下子泛着幽暗的绿光。

"You and I must lodge here, Edmund, "said Caspian. "We'll leave your kinsman the bunk and sling hammocks for ourselves. "

"我们只能睡在这儿了, 爱德蒙。"凯斯宾说。

"I beseech your Majesty--"said Drinian.


"No, no shipmate, "said Caspian, "we have argued all that out already.

"不, 不, 船长, "凯斯宾说, "我们已经说好了。

You and Rhince"(Rhince was the mate)"are sailing the ship and will have cares and labours many a night when we are singing catches or telling stories, so you and he must have the port cabin above.

你和赖因斯还要掌舵( 赖因斯是副驾), 已经操劳了好多个晚上, 而我们几个只是唱唱歌, 聊聊天, 所以你应该和他一起住在舱房里。

King Edmund and I can lie very snug here below. But how is the stranger ?"

我和爱德蒙国王在这下面一样可以睡得很好。只是, 不知道那个陌生人怎样了?

Eustace, very green in the face, scowled and asked whether there was any sign of the storm getting less.

尤斯塔斯脸色铁青, 正满脸忧愁地打听风浪有没有平息的迹象。

But Caspian said, "What storm ?"and Drinian burst out laughing.


"Storm, young master !"he roared. "This is as fair weather as a man could ask for. "

"大少爷, 你是在说风浪吗?"他哈哈大笑, "现在的天气好得不能再好了。"

"Who's that ?"said Eustace irritably. "Send him away. His voice goes through my head. "

"你是谁?"尤斯塔斯不耐烦地说, "叫他走, 听到他的声音我脑袋就疼。"

"I've brought you something that will make you feel better, Eustace, "said Lucy.

"我给你拿了点东西, 吃了你就会感觉好多了, 尤斯塔斯。" 露茜说。

"Oh, go away and leave me alone, "growled Eustace.

"哎呀, 都走开, 别来烦我。"尤斯塔斯有些疯狂。

But he took a drop from her flask, and though he said it was beastly stuff(the smell in the cabin when she opened it was delicious)it is certain that his face came the right colour a few moments after he had swallowed it, and he must have felt better because, instead of wailing about the storm and his head, he began demanding to be put ashore and said that at the first port he would"lodge a disposition"against them all with the British Consul.

露茜打开药瓶, 舱房里弥散出一股清香。尽管尤斯塔斯说这是致命的毒药, 但他还是喝了一滴。等他喝下药后, 脸色明显好转了, 相信他也感觉舒服了许多。此刻他不再感到头昏脑胀, 也不再提风浪了, 只是要求他们把他送到岸上去, 他还说只要自己一踏上海港, 就向英国领事馆申请对他们所有人做出裁决。

But when Reepicheep asked what a disposition was and how you lodged it(Reepicheep thought it was some new way of arranging a single combat)Eustace could only reply, "Fancy not knowing that."

雷佩契普以为这是种新的决斗方式, 问他裁决是什么、怎样申请时, 尤斯塔斯嘲讽道:"你真是太奇怪了, 连裁决都不知道。"

In the end they succeeded in convincing Eustace that they were already sailing as fast as they could towards the nearest land they knew, and that they had no more power of sending him back to Cambridge--which was where Uncle Harold lived--than of sending him to the moon.

最后, 大家不得不让尤斯塔斯相信, 他们已经尽快朝所知道的最近陆地驶去, 但就像他们没法送他上月球一样, 他们也没有能力送他回到哈罗德舅舅所住的剑桥。

After that he sulkily agreed to put on the fresh clothes which had been put out for him and come on deck.

他听了之后很不愉快, 但还是换上了他们为他准备的干净衣服, 走到了甲板上。

Caspian now showed them over the ship, though indeed they had seen most of it already.

凯斯宾带他们到甲板上参观整艘船, 事实上, 他们已经参观过一大半了。

They went up on the forecastle and saw the look-out man standing on a little shelf inside the gilded dragon's neck and peering through its open mouth.

他们登上第一个阁楼, 看到瞭望员站在镀金龙头旁的一个小木架上, 从张开的龙嘴向外张望。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
mate [meit]


n. 伙伴,配偶,同事
vt. 使 ... 配

flask [flæsk]


n. 细颈瓶,烧瓶,小水瓶

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

combat ['kɔmbət]


n. 争斗,战斗
vt. 打斗

shelf [ʃelf]


n. 架子,搁板

disposition [.dispə'ziʃən]


n. 性情,倾向,安排,处置,控制

convincing [kən'vinsiŋ]


adj. 使人信服的,有力的,令人心悦诚服的 vbl.

snug [snʌg]


adj. 温暖舒适的,合身的,安全的 v. 使整洁干净,

consul ['kɔnsəl]


n. 领事,(古罗马)执行官员,(1799年至1804年

partition [pɑ:'tiʃən]


n. 分割,隔离物 vt. 区分,隔开,分割





