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程序员的乐园不再局限于“代码世界“,他们也可以是"拿铁男孩"或 "Party King".

昔日的程序员programmer也有了不geeky 的"其他分支",借着这个话题就来聊聊今天的Buzzword-brogrammer



In today's Buzzword Mix, our buzzword is Brogrammer.

今天的buzzword里面我们讲一个非常有意思的词, this has to do with computers and tech world.

So you all know the word programmer. Right? 大家应该都知道程序员这个词叫programmer.

So brogrammer is brother + programmer, bro 和 programmer拼在一起的这么一个词.

It's a new slang for stereotypically masculine programmers.

How should I explain, so when you picture a typical programmer, what do you have in mind?

Someone with glasses, someone who's wearing like a checked shirt, someone who probably doesn't pay that much attention to how they look, and also they probably are not very good with girls.

大家平时想到程序员的时候是不是都是那种不太修边幅, 然后好像也没有那么多的女人缘的那样子的一个形象, 技术宅的形象.

1 What is a brogrammer?


A brogrammer is a masculine programmer, 他是一个所谓更有男性气概的程序员.

Bro in English usually refers to those very masculine guys, you know basketball players, people who work out a lot in a gym and they're popular with girls and they like to party.

And they're admired by their buddies for their super coolness.

这种传统意义上的更加有男性气概, 更加爷们的那种男性.

So this is the combination of bro and programmer. 虽然没有官方的翻译版本, 但我看见有一个版本把它叫做“程序哥”.

2 How does a programmer become a brogrammer?


If you still don't really have a picture in your mind, listen to people's posting on Quora.

如果你脑子里面还没有特别具体的印象, 我们就来看看国外知乎Quora上面的一些关于brogrammer的帖子.

The question is how does a programmer become a brogrammer? 一个程序员如何变成程序哥?

One answer says “Lots of red meat, push-ups on one hand, while coding on the other,吃很多红肉, 身强体壮, 一手做俯卧撑, 一手还在写代码, sunglasses at all times随时戴墨镜, a tan is important全身晒的古铜, popped collar is a must领子竖起来.

It's important that you can squash anyone who might call you 'geek' or 'nerd' and that you can pick up girls, but also equally important that you know the“Star Wars”movies by heart, and understand programming ideas, like recursion and inheritance.”

做为一个brogrammer, 你要既能社交撩妹, 又要同时具备传统极客文化里面的, 比如说知道《星球大战》所有的电影, 同时也对递归、继承这样的编程术语了如指掌.

Another posting on Quora says A programmer becomes a "brogrammer" by adopting aspects of the brogrammer culture and lifestyle. This typically involves:

Number one, prioritizing a social, party-oriented lifestyle over pure technical focus.

另外一个帖子写得更加详细, 什么叫做程序哥?

首先跟程序员相比, 他们会更关注social, party-oriented style, 更愿意去party, 更愿意去社交场合, 而不是只关注技术方面的事情.

Number two, they display a confident, assertive, and sometimes hyper-masculine persona.

This may include physical fitness, fashion choices, and a brash communication style.

从外形以及交流方式来讲, 他们更像传统的这种bro, 比如说你可以想象一下, 金融男就是那种特别自信, 特别强势, 甚至会特别大男子主义那样子的一个形象以及交流方式.

Number three, they engage in activities or hobbies stereotypically associated with a“frat boy”.

我们之前讲过什么叫"frat boy", 就fraternity像美国大学里面那种兄弟会, frat boy是典型的这种bro culture, 所以a brogrammer基本上就是从业余的活动爱好上都更加靠近frat boy.

比如说drinking, sports, pursuing romantic relationships aggressively.

And number four is they develop a clique-like mentality and excluding or dismissing those who don't fit the brogrammer mold, such as more introverted or female programmers.

而且这种brogrammer会更多的抱小团体, 也就是这种clique, 他们的小团体会把那些更加传统内向的程序员或者是女程序员排除在外.

People in the tech world often say the transition to becoming a brogrammer is often driven by a desire to blend technical skills with a certain image or lifestyle rather than purely focusing on programming ability.

It kind of represents a shift in priorities and self-representation within a software development community.

Since brogrammer culture is so different or even the opposite to geek culture.

正因为这种brogrammer culture它跟传统的这种极客文化正好是背道而驰:

Geek culture emphasizes on technical ability and passion for the field, while brogrammer culture focuses more on the image rather than the ability.

3 The reason for this shift


According to people inside industry, the reason for this shift is that many believe that the tech industry has become so called sexier industry compared to 10, 15 years ago.

Tech业内人士就有人觉得之所以会出现这种程序哥的文化, 也是因为整个tech industry, 因为近些年来有很多热钱, 也会更加的变成了一个所谓的sexier industry, 更性感的行业, 也会更加注重它的表面, 而不是纯技术层面.

Now a lot of people have negative feelings towards brogrammer culture, so brogrammer is often used negatively to describe toxic masculinity and sexism and the technology industry.

所以它也经常被用来批判tech world里面的这种toxic masculinity.

这个词我们原来说过叫做有毒的男性气概, 也就是这种只有在一起喝酒吹牛撩妹才叫真爷们这样子的一个 toxic masculinity, 这其中可能还包括一些厌女情节and also sexism.

However, some programmers describe themselves as brogrammers positively as a word for sociable or outgoing programmer.

It also tends to represent a subculture within the greater tech industry.

但也有些人会非常自豪地说我就是个brogrammer, 我虽然是程序员, 但是我也喜欢健身, 我也是社牛, 我并不符合传统的这种关于程序员的一个刻板印象.

But overall, the brogrammer culture has been criticized for having a negative impact on participation of women in the tech world in computing.

For instance, in a 2015 interview, Megan Smith, top policy adviser on technology to President Obama, said that the tech companies are not really making it a priority to hire more women.

And she also noted brogrammer culture was one of the contributing factor to the issue.

Now let's move on to the sample sentence.


Sample Sentence:

-Some companies in the tech world are battling against the growing brogrammer culture.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
priority [prai'ɔriti]


n. 优先权,优先顺序,优先

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

technical ['teknikəl]


adj. 技术的,工艺的

romantic [rə'mæntik]


adj. 浪漫的
n. 浪漫的人

typical ['tipikəl]


adj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的,独特的

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

mold [məuld]


n. 模子,模型,类型,模式,雏型,真菌,软土

fitness ['fitnis]


n. 适合度(生物学术语) n. 健康

blend [blend]


v. 混合
n. 混合物





