论断:禁止滑冰C广场能成为人们可以聚会和放松的场所。因为现在C广场,滑冰的人几乎是唯一能看到的使用者,而且纸屑垃圾使得广场很难看。最近的一项对市中心商人的调查,大多数人支持对滑冰的禁止。而且滑冰的人可以去M公园里的场地。 •前提:是滑冰的人把广场弄得没有吸引力的。论者没有提供任何有关人们为什么不爱去广场的原因,很有可能他把因果关系倒置了,滑冰的人选择广场,是因为广场上没有人。这样,没有滑冰的人,人们也不会去广场。 •论据:谁说纸屑一定是滑冰的人扔的。 •商人的调查没有说服力。商人只关心自己的利润,并不能代表大多数市民。也许他们认为滑冰的人碍事,比如挡住了他们的店面,或者他们想在别的什么地方开一个收费的冰场。 •使用公园里的场地滑冰有可能存在问题。场地是否适合,是否很远等等。
1.The author unfairly assumes that it is the presence of skateboarders that result in the current situation of the plaza. (confusing the cause and the effect) ★★★★★
2.There may be some negative impacts of allowing skateboarders to use part of Monroe Park. (adv:disadv) ★★★
3.The survey was based only on data from downtown merchants, thus could not be representative of all citizens. (selective sample) ★★★★
The author unfairly assumes that banning skateboarding in Central Plaza would suffice to make the plaza an attractive place. (sufficiency of the solution) ★★★★
The author fails to consider other possible means to regain the plaza’s prosperity. (necessity of the solution) ★★★
Skateboarding may actually be helpful for achieving the city's objective of providing a fun and relaxing place for people to congregate. (adv:disadv) ★★★
n. 样品,样本
vt. 采样,取样