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达芬奇密码(The Da Vinci Code)简介:
The Da Vinci Code is a 2003 mystery-detective fiction novel written by American author Dan Brown. It follows symbologist Robert Langdon as he investigates a murder in Paris's Louvre Museum and discovers a battle between the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei over the possibility of Jesus Christ of Nazareth having been married to and fathering a child with Mary Magdalene.
The title of the novel refers to, among other things, the fact that the murder victim is found in the Denon Wing of the Louvre, naked and posed like Leonardo da Vinci's famous drawing, the Vitruvian Man, with a cryptic message written beside his body and a pentacle drawn on his stomach in his own blood.
The novel has provoked a popular interest in speculation concerning the Holy Grail legend and Magdalene's role in the history of Christianity. The book has been extensively denounced by many Christian denominations as a dishonest attack on the Roman Catholic Church. It has also been criticized for its historical and scientific inaccuracy.
The book is a worldwide bestseller that had 60.5 million copies in print by May 2006 and that has been translated into 44 languages. Combining the detective, thriller, and conspiracy fiction genres, it is Brown's second novel to include the character Robert Langdon, the first being his 2000 novel Angels & Demons. In November 2004 Random House published a Special Illustrated Edition with 160 illustrations. In 2006 a film adaptation was released by Sony's Columbia Pictures.
《达芬奇密码》是一本博学而充满悬念的小说,场景设定在卢浮宫宏大的厅堂之中,是惊险小说和智力解迷结合的典范之作。《达芬奇密码》打破了传统悬念小说的模式,其行文节奏明快,语言富有智慧,情节错 落有致,调查资料翔实,刻画细致入微。丹·布朗在小说里描述了一种带有黑色幽默的人生哲学,同时通过小说主人公之口对卢浮宫收藏的经典画作进行了别具一格的点评,对创作这些作品的画家也有非常有意思的介绍。从小说的精彩开篇到难以预料的令人叫绝的结尾,畅销书作家丹·布朗充分证明自己是个善讲故事的大师。
午夜,卢浮宫博物馆年迈的馆长被人杀害在艺术大画廊的拼花地板上。在人生的最后时刻,馆长脱光了衣服,明白无误地用自己的身体摆成了达·芬奇名画《维特鲁威人》的样子,还在尸体旁边留下了一个令人难以捉摸的密码。符号学专家罗伯特·兰登与密码破译天才索菲·奈芙,在对一大堆怪异的密码进行整理的过程当中,发现一连串的线索竟然隐藏在达·芬奇的艺术作品当中! 兰登猛然领悟到,馆长其实是峋山隐修会的成员——这是一个成立于1099年的秘密组织,其成员包括西方历史上诸多伟人,如:牛顿、波提切利、维克多·雨果以及达·芬奇!兰登怀疑他们是在找寻一个石破天惊的历史秘密,一个既能给人启迪又异常危险的秘密。 兰登与奈芙跟一位神秘的幕后操纵者展开了斗智斗勇的角逐,足迹遍及巴黎、伦敦,不断遭人追杀。除非他们能够解开这个错综复杂的谜,否则,峋山隐修会掩盖的秘密,里面隐藏的那个令人震惊的古老真相,将永远消逝在历史的尘埃之中。