[00:00.45]In the grand scheme of things, it was a pretty cool night. 总的来说今晚办的不错 [00:02.55]Yeah, except for that slave-labor part, it didn't suck. 对 除了我们要做义务劳动 [00:07.21]Excuse me. Coming through. 对不起 借过 [00:10.45]No luck? What? The tiara. 没找到 什么 舞鞋 [00:13.01]She went off to find one in my size. 她走的时候说要帮我找一只合适的 [00:16.18]Oh, no. No luck. 哦 没有 没找到 [00:17.43]I'm sure you tried your hardest. Anyone want a fruit tart? 你已经尽力了 哪位要吃水果馅饼啊 [00:21.24]Yeah, I'll take one. 我吃一块 [00:22.10]It's practically all fat, Emily. 会让人发胖的 艾米丽 [00:24.35]Hello, Emily. I'm Jim Gordon. 你好 艾米丽 我叫吉姆.戈登 [00:25.59]So you guys work here? 你们在这工作吗 [00:28.27]Oh, no. We're students at the American Ballet Academy. 不 我们是美国芭蕾舞学校的学生 [00:31.29]Ballerinas. Very cool. 芭蕾舞演员 真酷啊 [00:33.18]Oh, my God. You got to try one of these, Maureen. 天啊 莫林 你一定要尝尝 [00:36.49]Well, she has a name. Maureen. 她叫莫林 [00:39.01]We have to go. Me too. I'm calling my mom. 我们得走了 我也要走了 我要打电话给我妈妈 [00:42.43]Talk to him. Tell her how wrong I've been about New York. 跟他说说 告诉她我在纽约的想法是错的 [00:45.40]You see, Maureen No-Last-Name, all this time I've been telling her 瞧 姓什么莫林的姑娘要知道 [00:49.14]It's an interesting city, but devoid of any true natural beauty. 我一直跟妈妈说纽约不错 它始终缺乏一总真正的自然美 [00:53.27]And now that I've met you. I know that's not true. 现在我见到了你 才知道我错了 [00:58.56]Cummings.What? Her last name, it's Cummings. 卡密斯 什么 她的姓是卡密斯