[00:00:35]The Marquis turned to speak to another man. This was Monsieur Gabelle, the Marquis's official in the village. 侯爵转过身去和另外一个人说话。那是加贝尔先生,是侯爵在村子里的官员。 [00:09:14]"Gabelle, " the Marquis said, "watch out for this man. If he comes here, put him in prison." “加贝尔,”侯爵说。“留神这个人。如果他来这儿,就把他送进监狱。” [00:17:36]When the Marquis arrived at his castle, he asked if his nephew, Monsieur Charles, had arrived from England. 当侯爵到了他的城堡后,他便问起他侄儿查尔斯先生是否从英格兰回来了。 [00:28:51]"Not yet, sir, " replied the servant, but as the Marquis was eating his dinner, he heard the sound of a coach outside. “还没有,先生。”仆人回答说。但是在侯爵吃晚饭时,他听到外面有马车的声音。 [00:39:27]Soon his nephew entered the room. In England he was known as Charles Darnay. 不久他的侄子便走进屋来。在英国他的名字是查尔斯·代尔那。 [00:47:58]"You've been away for a long time, " said the Marquis, with his cold, polite smile. “你离开很长时间了,”侯爵带着冷冷的、有礼貌的微笑说道。 [00:56:39]"I've had many problems in England. Perhaps because of you, " Darnay said to his uncle."I was in great danger." “我在英国遇到了很多麻烦,也许是因为你。”代尔那对他的叔叔说。“我的处境曾经非常危险。” [01:07:32]"No, no, I had nothing to do with your problems, " replied the Marquis coldly. “不,不,我和你遇到的麻烦没有关系。”侯爵冷漠地说。 [01:16:13]"Unfortunately, our family no longer has the power that it once had." “很不幸,我们的家族不再有它以往的权势了。” [01:24:01]"If it still had that power, one word from you would doubtless send me to prison, " said Darnay. “如果还有那样的权势,你的一句话就可以毫无疑问地把我送进监狱了。” [01:32:32]"Possibly. For the good of our family." “也许吧。为了家族的利益嘛。”