[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.06]The Lycaenids are a group of butterflies known commonly as blues, coppers and hairstreaks. 灰蝴蝶是一群被认为有着蓝色,紫铜色,并且翅膀上有细纹的蝴蝶, [00:04.37]Most species of Lycaenid butterflies have evolved close, mutually- beneficialrelationships with different species of ants. 其大部分品种的进化与许多蚂蚁有着亲密无间并且互惠互利的关系。 [00:11.45]A Special Relationship 特殊关系 [00:13.07]The caterpillars of these butterflies develop special glands that secrete a nectar-like substance to attract ants. 蝴蝶幼虫拥有一种特殊的腺体,它能够分泌如花蜜的甘甜物质来吸引蚂蚁。 [00:19.54]The ants swarm all over the caterpillars, drinking thesecretion. 蚂蚁将幼虫包围,吮吸这甜美的“蜜”, [00:23.55]The ants “milk” secretions from the caterpillars by tickling special glands on the caterpillars with their antennas. 同时也用自己的触须挠蝴蝶幼虫的腺体。 [00:30.21]In some Australian species, the attending ants even build thatched or earthen corrals to contain the caterpillars. 澳大利亚有些种类的蚂蚁甚至修建起“茅草屋”或者是“土畜栏”将幼虫圈起来。 [00:36.49]By day the caterpillars are protected from predators by thecorral and the ants. At night the ants herd the caterpillars up a nearby tree to feed on leaves. 白天的时候,蚂蚁和畜栏保护幼虫不受食肉动物的侵犯,夜晚时,蚂蚁将幼虫搬离到离树近的地方,幼虫便能用树叶充饥。 [00:45.04]The ants are like a private army of bodyguards. Colonies of ants are quite fierce — swarming, biting or even consuming potentialpredators. 蚂蚁就像是私人贴身保镖,并且是十分凶猛的保镖,他们成群结队撕咬甚至是消灭掉潜在的捕食者。 [00:54.13]In fact, the caterpillars’ sweet secretions are not only nutritious, but also contain chemicals that subdue the ants. 事实上,幼虫的分泌物不仅仅是营养丰富,同时也含有一种能够制服蚂蚁的化学物质, [01:02.28]Otherwise the ants might kill the caterpillars themselves!Some caterpillars also make drumming sounds to keep their attendant ants alert. 不然的话,蚂蚁也会让幼虫致命。有些幼虫甚至发出鼓声用以警示蚂蚁。 [01:10.46]Unprotected caterpillars would make a tasty treat for insect-eaters like birds, frogs or larger insects. But ants taste bitter or even toxic when eaten. 未受保护的蝴蝶幼虫对于如鸟类,蛙或者是大一点的昆虫这些食用昆虫的物种来说是一顿美餐。但如果是吃蚂蚁的话,不仅味道苦涩,甚至还是有毒的。 [01:20.08]To most predators, acaterpillar covered in ants is about as appetizing as a candy bar covered in thumbtacks. 在食肉动物看来,被蚂蚁包裹着的蝴蝶幼虫就像是包满图钉的糖果。 [01:26.29]So, the ants benefit from the energy-rich secretions produced by the caterpillars, and the caterpillars benefit from the ants’ protection. 就这样,蚂蚁从幼虫的分泌物中摄取营养,而幼虫也正是有了蚂蚁的保护而健康成长。