[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.52]"Are you Evrémonde?" "你是埃弗蒙吗?" [00:03.14]"Yes,"replied Darnay. "是的。"代尔那回答。 [00:05.56]"You will go to the prison of La Force!" "你要进拉弗尔斯监狱。" [00:08.51]"But why?'"asked Darnay."Under what law?" "可是为什么?"代尔那问。"依据什么法律?" [00:13.30]"We have new laws, Evrémonde,"said the official sharply, "我们有了新的法律,埃弗蒙,"那个官员厉声说。 [00:17.43]"and emigrants have no rights. You will be held in secret. Take him away." "流亡者没有权利;你将被秘密关押起来。把他带走!" [00:25.39]As Darnay left, the first official said quietly to him, 代尔那正要走,第一位官员悄声问他: [00:31.33]"Are you the man who married the daughter of Dr Manette?" "你是和马内特医生的女儿结婚的那个人吗?" [00:35.44]"Yes,"replied Darnay in surprise. "是呀."代尔那惊讶地口答。 [00:39.14]"My name is Defarge and I have a wine-shop in Saint Antoine. "我叫得法热,我在圣安东尼有一家酒店, [00:43.16]Perhaps you have heard of me." 也许你听说过我。" [00:46.55]"Yes. My wife came to your house to find her father." "是的,我妻子曾去你家里找回了他父亲。" [00:51.00]"Why did you come back to France? It will be very bad for you." "你为什么要回法国呢?这对你太糟糕了。" [00:58.55]Darnay was taken to the prison of La Force 代尔那被送进了拉弗尔斯监狱, [01:02.04]and put in a cold empty room with a locked door and bars across the windows. 而且被关进一个寒冷而空荡的房间。门上了锁,窗户封了铁条。 [01:06.49]He thought of Dr Manette and his many years alone, forgotten, in the Bastille. 他想起了马内特医生在巴士底狱里多年孤独和被人遗忘的日子。 [01:14.59]"Now I, too, have been buried alive,"he thought. "现在,我也被活埋了。"他想着。