[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.06]If you thought erasable ink was cool, wait until you hear about today’s topic on A Moment of Science: electronic ink. 如果你觉得可擦墨水很酷的话,那就等你听完今天所讲的这个话题---电子墨水后再下结论吧。 [00:07.54]To begin with a slightly technical explanation, electronic ink consists of three parts: millions of tiny, microscopic capsules, an oily liquid filling the capsules, 理论上来讲,电子墨水主要由三部分组成:数以百万的细小微型胶囊, [00:22.03]and negatively charged colored chips or spheres floating inside the capsules. 填充胶囊的油状液体以及浮在胶囊里的带有负电荷的彩色芯片(或球体)。 [00:28.11]Electrical charges cause the colored chips or spheres to arrange themselves into letters, numbers, and other characters when the ink is spread on a surface. 当墨水洒在物体表面时,彩色芯片在电荷的作用下就会形成字母、数字或文字。 [00:41.32]If that description is slightly confusing, try imagining electronic ink as consisting of millions of clear beach balls. 如果我这么讲你有点难以理解的话,那就把电子墨水想象成是由数以百万的沙滩球组成。 [00:48.22]Each ball contains hundreds of white Ping-Pong balls floating in blue dye. The Ping-Pong balls make the top of the beach ball appear white, while the bottom appears blue. 每个沙滩球球内都含有数百个白色的乒乓球浮在蓝色液体中。乒乓球会让沙滩球顶部呈现白色,而底部呈现出蓝色。 [00:58.10]Now imagine that you’ve spread millions of these beach balls on a wide, flat surface and gone up in a helicopter for a bird’s-eye view. You see an all-white field. 现在想象一下你将这些沙滩球放在一个宽而平的表面上,然后乘上直升机从上面俯瞰。你会看到一片白色。 [01:04.53]Using a device to control the movement of the Ping-Pong balls, you cause some of them to sink, revealing the blue dye. 然后,你用设备来控制乒乓球的运动,让某些球下沉,呈现出蓝色。 [01:11.53]With precise control, you could use the resulting patterns of light and dark to create characters. 通过准确的控制颜色的深浅,你就可以写出字了。 [01:17.12]In a nutshell, that’s how electronic ink works. So what’s it good for? Electronic books, for one. 简单来说,这就是电子墨水的工作原理。那么电子墨水有什么好处呢? [01:24.52]In the near future we may leaf through a volume written with electronic ink that contain hundreds of different texts. 就拿电子书来举个例子,在不远的将来,我们可能会阅读用电子墨水写成的书卷,这些书卷包含着数百种书籍。 [01:32.43]With the push of a button, Shakespeare may morph into Dr. Seuss. Another push and the ink re-arranges itself into Crime and Punishment. 只要轻轻一摁,莎士比亚就会变成瑟斯博士,再摁一下,就会变成罪与罚。 [01:43.33]No matter how it’s used, electronic ink is sure to jolt our understanding of the printed page. 电子墨水无论怎么样被使用,它终将颠覆我们对于印刷页面的理解。