[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.07]On today’s Moment of Science, we’ll be sniffing our way through a controversial culinary conundrum: the great cilantro debate. 今天的《科学一刻》栏目,我们将来探讨一个有争议性的烹饪难题:关于香菜的大辩论。 [00:12.04]According to scientists working at the Monell Chemical Senses Center, the smell of cilantro usually produces a “love it” or “hate it” response. 据莫来尔化学感官中心的科学家称,香菜的气味通常会让人产生“喜欢它”或者“讨厌它”这两种反应。 [00:38.34]Researching The Response 关于这两种反应的研究 [00:42.33]Researchers used gas chromatography to isolate the different components of the cilantro smell. 研究人员使用了气相色谱法分离香菜气味的不同组成部分。 [00:48.22]They learned that its distinct aroma comes primarily from a group of molecules called aldehydes. 他们了解到,其独特的香气主要来自一组称为醛的分子。 [00:53.26]Aldehydes are one of the main by products of soap making. 醛是肥皂的主要成分之一。 [01:04.23]There are a few different aldehydes in the cilantro aroma “recipe. One emits the offensive soapy odor that makes you cringe. 香菜的气味“配方”中含有几种不同的醛。其中一种会发出令人不快的肥皂水的气味而使你畏缩。 [01:13.03]But, another produces the fresh, green, citrusy aroma that people like me find so appealing. 但是,另外一种会产生清新的柑橘味的香气,像我就非常喜欢这种香味。 [01:20.12]Our ability to detect these different parts of the cilantro scent spectrum varies widely, and is linked to our genetics. Some people can’t smell the good part at all. 人们察觉香菜中各种香味的能力差距很大,而这与我们的基因是有联系的。有些人甚至不能闻其中好闻的部分。 [01:33.01]Future Research 未来研究 [01:35.52]We need more research to figure out the exact details, but the science of smells indicates that, when it comes to liking or hating cilantro, genetics matter. 我们需要更多的研究以找出确切的信息。但气味科学表明,喜欢或讨厌香菜与我们的遗传基因有关。 [01:45.43]Thanks to our DNA, we pick up on the good and bad parts of the cilantro sensory experience in different ways. 我们之所以能通过不同的方式来感受香菜中好闻和不好闻的部分,这都要归功于我们的DNA。