[00:03:19]'Listen, 'said Madame Defarge coldly. 'Don't forget that I was that younger sister. “听着,”得法热夫人冷酷地说。“别忘了我就是那个小妹妹。 [00:11:36]And it was my family that suffered so much from the Evrémonde brothers. 并且是我的家庭受了埃弗蒙兄弟那么多的苦难。 [00:17:22]It was my sister who died, and my sister's husband, and my father; 是我的姐姐死去了,还有我姐姐的丈夫,以及我的父亲; [00:23:05]it was my brother who was killed. Tell others to stop;don't tell me!' 是我的哥哥被杀死了。去让别人打住吧,别让我这么做!” [00:29:03]Carton paid for his wine and went out quickly on his way. 卡登付了酒钱便匆匆出门上了路。 [00:39:39]He went back to Dr Manette's house, where more bad news was waiting for him. 他回到了马内特医生的住处。那里有更多的坏消息在等着他。 [00:47:40]The Doctor's mind had returned to the past once again. 医生的思维又一次回到了从前。 [00:50:45]He did not recognize his friends, and wanted only to find his old table and to make shoes. 他不认识他的朋友了,而只想着要找他的老桌子做鞋。 [01:01:29]'Listen to me carefully, 'Carton said to Mr Lorry. “仔细听我说,”卡登对劳里先生说。 [01:06:58]'I believe that Lucie, her daughter, and perhaps even her father are in great danger. “我确信路茜、她的女儿,也许还有她的父亲都处在极大的危险中。 [01:13:34]I heard Madame Defange talking about them tonight. They must leave Paris tomorrow. 我今晚听到得法热夫人在谈论他们。他们明天必须离开巴黎。 [01:23:13]They have the necessary papers, and so do you. Here are mine-take them and keep them safe with your own. 他们有必需的证件,你也有。这是我的证件——把它们拿去同你的放在一起妥善保管。 [01:33:50]You must leave by coach at two o'clock tomorrow. Keep a place for me in the coach, and don't leave without me. 你们必须在明天两点钟乘马车离开。在马车上给我留个位置,要等我来了再走。 [01:43:40]Promise that you will do exactly what I have said. Many lives will depend on it. ' 你一定要完全照我说的去做;保全许多人的生命就在此一举了。” [01:51:15]'I promise, 'said Mr Lorry. “我答应你。”劳里先生说道。