[00:01.48]There were many women in Paris at that time who hated the nobles and wanted to see them die. 那时的巴黎有很多妇女痛恨贵族并希望看到他们死。 [00:07.97]But of all these women, Madame Defarge was the one most feared. 但在所有这些妇女中,得法热夫人是最可怕的一个。 [00:14.19]All her life she had been filled with hate. 她的生命中充满了仇恨。 [00:17.95]It was nothing to her that an innocent man was going to die because of his father's and his uncle's crimes. 一个无辜的男人正要因为他父亲或他叔叔的罪孽而死,这对她来说算不了什么。 [00:26.09]She wanted more. Hidden in her clothes were a gun and a sharp knife, 她所要的比这更多。她在衣服里藏了一支枪和一把尖刀, [00:34.39]and with her usual confident step, she began to walk to Dr Manette's house. 便迈着她一贯自信的步伐,开始朝马内特医生的住处走去。 [00:41.01]The house was not yet empty. Miss Pross and Jerry Cruncher were there, preparing to follow Mr Lorry's coach. 房子里的人尚未走空。普罗斯小姐和杰里·克拉彻还在里面,正准备着跟上劳里先生的马车。 [00:51.30]Mr Lorry had decided that two coaches were better than one; 劳里先生已断定两辆马车比一辆要好。 [00:58.19]with fewer passengers, each coach would travel faster. But Miss Pross was still worried. 乘客少些马车可以走得更快些。可普罗斯小姐仍旧很担心。 [01:05.47]A second coach leaving from the house might suggest an escape. 因为第二辆马车离开这座房子也许会显示出逃跑的迹象。 [01:10.79]'Mr Cruncher, 'she said, 'you must go and stop our coach coming here. “克拉彻先生,”她说,“你得去拦一下我们的马车别让它到这儿来。 [01:18.22]Drive to the church instead, and I'll meet you there at three o'clock. ' 而是改去教堂。我会在3点钟时和你会合。” [01:24.74]Jerry hurried away. It was twenty past two, and at once Miss Pross began to get herself ready to leave. 杰里赶紧走了。那是两点20分,普罗斯小姐立刻开始为离开而做准备。 [01:35.53]She was washing her face when she suddenly looked up and saw a figure standing in the room. 在她洗脸时,她突然抬头看到一个人正站在房间里。 [01:43.61]Madame Defarge looked at her coldly. 'The wife of Evrémonde;where is she? ' 得法热夫人冷冷地看着她。“埃弗蒙的妻子,她在哪儿? ”