[00:01.40]Miss Pross quickly stood in front of the door to Lucie's room. 普罗斯小姐迅速站到了路茜的房门前。 [00:05.40]'You're a cruel, dangerous woman, but you won't frighten me, 'she said, breathing hard. “你是一个残忍、危险的女人,可是你吓唬不了我。”她呼吸艰难地说。 [00:13.42]Each woman spoke in her own language, and neither understood the other's words. 两个女人各自说着自己的语言,彼此都听不懂对方的话。 [00:20.44]But Madame Defarge knew that Miss Pross was a true friend of the Doctor's family, 而得法热夫人知道普罗斯小姐是医生家的一个真正的朋友; [00:27.14]and Miss Pross knew that Madame Defarge was the family's enemy. 而普罗斯小姐知道得法热夫人是这个家的敌人。 [00:31.93]'I wish to see the wife of Evrémonde. Go and tell her. “我要见埃弗蒙的妻子,去告诉她。 [00:38.81]Do you hear me? 'said Madame Defarge. 你听到了吗? ”得法热夫人说道。 [00:42.34]She stared angrily at Miss Pross, but Miss Pross stared back just as angrily. 她愤怒地盯着普罗斯小姐,而普罗斯小姐也同样愤怒地盯着她。 [00:48.37]'I am desperate, 'said Miss Pross. “我豁出去了,”普罗斯小姐说。 [00:53.13]'I know that the longer I can keep you here, the greater hope there is for my darling girl. “我知道我在这儿把你拖得越久,我亲爱的姑娘的希望就越大。 [01:00.05]If you fight me, I'll fight back!' 如果你打我,我也会反击你的。” [01:04.65]Madame Defarge stepped forward and called loudly, 'Citizen Doctor!Wife of Evrémonde!Answer me!' 得法热夫人走上前去大喊起来:“医生公民!埃弗蒙的妻子!回我的话!” [01:16.79]There was no answer and Madame Defarge quickly opened three of the doors and saw that the rooms were empty. 得法热夫人没听到答话便迅速打开了其中的三扇房门,看到房间是空的。 [01:25.73]One door was still closed. 有一扇门还关着。 [01:29.07]'If they are not in that room, they are gone. “如果他们不在那间房里,那么就是已经走了。 [01:33.47]But they can be followed and brought back. ' 可他们会被追上并给抓回来的。” [01:36.72]She went towards the door, but Miss Pross jumped forward and held her round the waist. 她向那扇门走去,可普罗斯小姐冲上前去抱住了她的腰。 [01:44.11]Madame Defarge was used to the fighting in the streets and was strong, 得法热夫人已经习惯了在街上打架而且她很壮实, [01:50.83]but love is stronger than hate and Miss Pross did not let go. Madame Defarge tried to pull out her knife. 但爱比恨的力量更强大,普罗斯小姐没有松手。得法热夫人企图拔出刀来。