[00:00.83]'No, 'said Miss Pross, 'it's under my arm. You shall not have it. ' “不。”普罗斯小姐说。“刀在我胳膊底下,你是拿不到的。” [00:07.37]Madame Defarge put her hand to the front of her dress and began to pull out the gun. 得法热夫人把手伸到裙子前面开始拔枪。 [00:15.60]Miss Pross looked down, saw what it was, and hit out at it wildly. 普罗斯小姐朝下一看,弄清了那是什么东西,就猛烈地朝外打它。 [00:21.79]There was a loud bang, and a cloud of smoke, and Miss Pross stood alone, trembling with terror. 一声巨响,接着又是一团烟。之后,普罗斯小姐便独自站在了那儿,恐惧地颤抖着。 [00:31.26]All this in a second. 这一切都发生在一秒钟内。 [00:34.80]As the smoke cleared, Miss Pross saw the lifeless body of Madame Defarge on the ground. 烟雾消散之后,普罗斯小姐看见得法热夫人断了气的身体躺在地板上。 [00:42.53]In horror, she opened her mouth to call for help, 由于恐惧,她张嘴喊着救命, [00:46.90]but then she thought of the dangers this would bring for her dear Lucie. 但她又想到这会给她亲爱的路茜带来危险。 [00:51.80]With shaking hands, she got her hat and coat, locked the door of the room, and went downstairs. 她颤抖着双手,拿上帽子和外衣,锁上房门便下了楼。 [01:02.15]As she crossed the bridge on the way to the church, 在去教堂的桥上, [01:06.59]she dropped the key of the locked room in the river and hurried on to meet Jerry Cruncher. 她把锁房门的钥匙扔到了河里便匆匆赶去见杰里·克拉彻。 [01:13.38]As the death-carts carry the condemned prisoners through the streets of Paris, 当死囚车载着死刑犯们穿过巴黎的街道时, [01:22.01]crowds watch to see the faces of those who are to die. 人们集中注意力看那些临死的人们的脸。 [01:27.19]In the chairs around the Guillotine, the friends of Madame Defarge are waiting for her. 得法热夫人的朋友们正坐在断头台周围的椅子上等着她。 [01:34.28]'Teresa, Teresa Defarge!Who has seen her? She's never missed before!' “特丽莎,特丽莎·得法热!谁见到她了? 她以前从来没错过的!” [01:43.23]But the death-carts have arrived, and the Guillotine has already begun its work. Crash! 可是死囚车已经到了,断头台已开始工作了。咔嚓! [01:51.57]A head is held up, and the women who sit knitting count One. 一个人头被举了起来,坐在那儿编毛线活的女人们数着“一个。” [01:58.51]The supposed Evrémode helps the young girl down from the cart. 那个被当做了埃弗蒙的人帮着那个小女孩下了囚车。 [02:05.87]He carefully places her with her back to the Guillotine, and she looks up gratefully into his face. 他小心地让她背对着断头台,她感激地抬头望着他的脸。