[00:00.00]Hey, Keith. I heard you just got married. 嘿,基斯。我刚听说你结婚了。 [00:03.62]Oh, yeah. 哦是的。 [00:04.29]Nice. So, how long ago did you get married? 很好啊。那你是多久以前结婚的? [00:06.27]Oh, I got married last November. 恩,去年十一月份。 [00:08.19]Really, well congratulations. 真的啊,祝福你。 [00:10.08]Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。 [00:10.57]So, what's married life like? 那婚后生活是什么样的? [00:12.95]Oh, it's great. I love married life. 哦很棒啊。我非常喜欢。 [00:15.27]How is being married different than being a bachelor? 已婚和单身相比有什么区别啊? [00:17.70]You get less dates. 约会少了。 [00:20.19]Yeah. That's for sure. That's for sure. So at home, do you share with like the cooking and the cleaning and stuff like that? 恩对的,太对了。那在家你们会分着干活吗?像下厨,打扫卫生或者收拾东西这一类的活儿。 [00:26.36]Oh, yeah, sure. That's the only way to do it really. 恩是的,当然会。?那可是唯一的办法。 [00:28.90]Yeah. Do you cook for your wife? 恩。你下厨吗? [00:30.72]Oh, yeah. 恩,会的。 [00:31.73]OK. What do you cook for her? 好的,那你都做些什么呢? [00:32.90]It depends on what she wants but usually I do the easy stuff like pastas and salads and that kind of stuff. 那要看她想吃什么了,但通常我会做些简单的食物,像意大利面,沙拉这类的食物。 [00:40.53]Oh, that's nice. That's nice. 哦,那很好,很好啊。 [00:42.77]Ok.Thanks a lot. 好的,谢谢你。 [00:43.50]You're welcome. 不客气。