[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00:21]3 ounces of vodka, 3盎司伏特加 [00:02:18]1 ounces Creme de Cassis, 1盎司黑醋栗利口酒 [00:05:46]and a little blackberry liqueur. 还有黑莓利口酒 [00:08:04]Add ice. 加点冰 [00:09:27]And shake. 摇一摇 [00:11:53]This is a Black Dahlia? 这叫"黑色大丽花"吗 [00:22:52]Za schast'-ye. 此句为俄语 [00:23:14]To happiness. 为幸福干杯的意思 [00:31:06]My new crowd of customers would go nuts for this. 我的新顾客肯定会为这种酒疯狂的 [00:33:42]You run one of those fancy Hamptons restaurants? 你该不会是某家豪华汉普顿餐厅的老板吧 [00:38:57]No, no. It's a dock bar down in Montauk. 不 不 只是蒙托克的一家码头酒吧 [00:42:44]You should stop by when you have some time, 你走之前 要是有时间 [00:44:19]before you take off. 可以过来玩玩 [00:46:17]Jack? 杰克 [00:46:32]Emily. 艾米莉 [00:50:04]Hey, uh, have you met... 你好 这是... [00:53:11]I'm sorry. I never actually asked your name. 不好意思 未闻小姐芳名 [00:55:28]Probably for the best. 最好还是不要知道了 [00:57:19]Right. Uh, well... 好吧 那么 [00:59:59]This is Emily. 这位是艾米莉 [01:01:59]Listen, if you see Nolan before I do, 你如果看见诺兰的话 [01:04:57]could you tell him to pop by the bar? 能让他到酒吧来一趟吗 [01:06:47]I owe him an a--an apology. 我得向他道歉 [01:09:25]Yeah, sure. 没问题 [01:09:39]Thanks. 谢了