[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 119 story 第119课 故事 [00:06.11]Do you like stories? 你喜欢听故事吗? [00:11.19]Dad,will you read me a story? 爸爸,你能给我说个故事吗? [00:16.15]This is an interesting story. 这是一个有趣的故事。 [00:18.96]happen 发生 [00:20.59]It happened to a friend of mine a year ago. 这是一年前发生在我朋友身上的故事。 [00:26.33]When did the story happen? 故事是什么时候发生的? [00:31.14]The car crash happened at lunch time. 撞车发生在午餐时间。 [00:33.70]thief 贼 [00:37.09]While my friend,George,was reading in bed,two thieves climbed into his kichen. 当我的朋友乔治在床上看书时,两个小偷爬进了他厨房。 [00:45.43]The thief was caught by the police. 那个小偷被警察抓住了。 [00:49.57]The thief broke into her house at 2 last night. 那个小偷在昨晚两点溜进了她的房子。 [00:54.14]enter 进入 [00:56.31]After they had entered the house,they went into the dining room. 他们进屋里后,走进了饭厅。 [01:02.35]I entered the house quietly. 我悄悄地走进屋子里。 [01:05.20]Please enter the house by the front door. 请从前门进屋。 [01:10.69]dark 黑暗的 [01:14.41]It was very dark,so they turned on a torch. 饭厅里很暗,于是他们打开了手电筒。 [01:19.31]It's getting dark now. 天开始黑了。 [01:22.57]Suddenly,the room went dark. 突然,房间变得一片漆黑。 [01:25.80]torch 手电筒 [01:28.20]He is looking for his glasses with a torch. 他打着手电筒找眼镜。 [01:34.14]Can you turn on the torch for a moment,please? 你能打开手电筒一会儿吗? [01:37.62]voice (说话的)声音 [01:41.30]Suddenly,they heard a voice behind them. 突然他们听到身后有声音. [01:44.55]My maths teacher has a very loud voice. 我的数学教师嗓门很大. [01:49.12]I knew it was her noice in no time. 我一下子就听出是她的声音了. [01:54.53]parrot 鹦鹉 [01:57.30]But George's parrot,Henry,was still there. 但是乔治的鹦鹉亨利仍在那里. [02:01.42]He has many parrots at home. 他家里养了很多鹦鹉. [02:05.53]What is the parrot saying? 那只鹦鹉在说些什么?