[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 121 customer 第121课 顾客 [00:06.94]The shop has a lot of customers. 这家商店拥有很多顾客。 [00:12.37]It's very important to make customers happy. 使顾客满意是很重要的。 [00:17.37]forget (forgot,forgotten) 忘记 [00:20.13]I bought two expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago, 半小时以前我在这里买了两本很贵的辞典, [00:26.37]but I forgot to take them with me. 但我忘了拿走。 [00:28.45]Don't forget to turn off the light when you leave. 你离开的时候不要忘了头灯。 [00:35.26]I'm sorry,but I've forgotten your name. 不好意思,我把你的名字忘了。 [00:38.59]manager 经理 [00:42.34]I'd like to speak to your manager,please. 我想跟你们的经理谈谈。 [00:46.53]My brother is a bank manager. 我哥哥是个银行经理。 [00:49.88]serve 照应,服务,接待 [00:49.27]Who served you,sir? 是谁接待您的,先生? [00:55.17]What kind of wine should we serve? 您想要喝点什么酒呢? [00:59.39]What time is breakfast served here? 这里几点钟供应早餐的? [01:04.26]counter 柜台 [01:06.54]The books which are on the counter. 就是柜台上的那两本。 [01:10.26]Who is the girl behind the counter? 在柜台后面的那个女的是谁? [01:16.02]I've left a message for you at the counter. 我在柜台给你留了个口信。 [01:19.00]recognize 认出 [01:21.80]I recognize him now. 我现在认出他来了。 [01:23.27]I recognized his voice on the phone. 电话上,我听出了他的声音。 [01:31.12]Can you recognize the girl in the photograph? 你能认出照片中的这个女孩吗?