[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 46 lift 第46课 拿起,搬起,举起 [00:04.45]I can lift that chair,but I can't lift this table. 我能搬得动那张椅子,但是搬不运这张桌子。 [00:09.48]I tried to lift the sleeping girl,but she was too heavy. 我想把那睡着了的女孩抱起来,但是她太重了。 [00:15.03]he lifted his hands when he saw me. 看到我的时候,他举起了手。 [00:18.12]cake 饼,蛋糕 [00:20.12]I can make cakes,but I can't make biscuits. 我能够做蛋糕,但是不会做饼干。 [00:25.00]Would you like some cake? 你想来点蛋糕吗? [00:27.36]We bought her a birthday cake. 我们给她买了一块生日蛋糕。 [00:30.14]biscuit 饼干 [00:31.44]Do you know how to make biscuits? 你知道怎么做饼干吗? [00:34.57]He had some biscuits and glass of milk this morning. 他早上吃上些饼干,喝了杯牛奶。