[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 55 gold 第55课 金子 [00:07.15]Not a gold mine 并非金矿 [00:09.41]It has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. 它被人们用来探测地下埋藏的金子。 [00:17.51]The small town became prosperous in the gold rush. 这个小镇在淘金热期间繁荣起来。 [00:24.09]Gold is a precious metal. 金子是一种贵金属。 [00:27.14]mine 矿 [00:31.08]The coal mine accident claimed eight-four lives. 煤矿事故夺去了84个人的生命。 [00:36.48]They were working in a mine. 他们在矿山工作。 [00:40.00]treasure 财宝 [00:43.27]Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently. 最近,找到失踪宝藏的梦想差一点儿变成现实。 [00:50.34]Before the war broke out,the family buried their treasure in the yard. 战争爆发前,这家人把财宝埋在了院子里。 [00:56.38]Hundreds of people came here to dig for buried treasure. 上百人到这儿挖掘埋藏的宝藏。 [01:02.00]revealer 探测器 [01:05.14]The new machine called "The Revealer" has been invented. 一种叫"探宝器"的新机器已经发明出来。 [01:12.05]Equipped with the advanced revealer,they soon found the black box of the crashed plane. 配备了高级探测器,他们很快就找到了失事飞机的黑匣子. [01:22.43]This revealer is out of date. 这个探测器已过时了。 [01:26.12]invent 发明 [01:29.50]Edison invented the bulb. 爱迪生发明了灯炮。 [01:33.58]Afer five years of effort,he invented a new machine. 经过5年的努力,他发明了一个新机器。 [01:39.02]detect 探测 [01:41.20]It has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground. 它被人们用来探测地下埋藏的金子。 [01:49.31]They detected redioactive material in the house. 他们探测到房子里有放射性物质。 [01:52.56]He detects the escape of gas in the kitchen. 他测到厨房里煤气泄露。 [01:58.91]bury 埋藏 [02:02.19]The but was buried deep in the snow. 小屋被深埋在雪里。 [02:07.03]An ancient city was buried in the sand for centuries. 一座古城被埋在沙子下若干世纪。 [02:11.53]cave 山洞 [02:14.14]The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where-it is said-pirates used to hide gold. 在靠近海边的一个据说是过去海盗常在里面藏金子的岩洞里,这种机器被派上了用场。 [02:26.49]The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. 海盗们过去常把金子埋藏在那个洞里,可后来却没能取走。 [02:34.23]The boys lost their way in the mysterious cave. 孩子们在这个神秘的山洞里迷了路。 [02:38.51]He likes to explore the cave. 他喜欢在山洞里探险。 [02:42.81]seashore 海岸 [02:46.10]Many sea creatures were washed up on the seashore. 许多海里的生物被冲到海滩上。 [02:51.30]The old man built a small wooden hut near the seashore. 老人在靠近海边的地方建了一个小木屋。 [02:55.81]pirate 海盗 [02:59.57]The pirates would often bury gold in th cave and then fail to collect it. 海盗们过去常把金子埋藏在那个洞里,可后来却没能取走。 [03:06.54]He was once caught by the pirates. 他曾被海盗抓住过。 [03:11.45]Pirates were said to be cruel. 据说海盗很凶残。 [03:14.46]arm 武装 [03:18.15]Armed with the ney machine,a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. 一支用这种新机器装备起来的探宝队进入了这个岩洞,希望找到埋藏的金子. [03:29.00]They are armed with a new theory. 他们用新理论武装自己。 [03:33.15]The bank was robbed by two armed men. 银行被两个持枪的人抢了。 [03:37.24]soil 泥土 [03:41.11]The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground. 当这个队的队长正在检查洞口附近的土壤时,那台机器显示出它的下面埋有金子。 [03:54.16]The government a attached great importance to the soil conservation. 政府非常重视土壤保持。 [04:00.18]The soil near the river is very fertile. 河边的土壤很肥沃。 [04:04.17]entrance 入口 [04:07.44]They produced their passports at the entrance. 他们在人口处出示护照。 [04:12.42]She stood at the entrance to the hall. 她站在大厅的人口处。 [04:15.85]finally 最后 [04:20.04]They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. 最后找到的是一枚几乎一钱不值的小金币。 [04:26.18]He finally did away with his bad habit. 他最终改掉了坏习惯。 [04:32.18]My father finally gave up smoking. 我父亲最终戒了烟。 [04:34.70]worthless 毫无价值的 [04:38.16]The fake painting is worthless. 这幅假画一钱不值。 [04:42.23]This is worthless currency. 这个货币没有价值。 [04:45.16]thoroughly 彻底地 [04:48.45]The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk. 队员们接着又把整个洞彻底搜寻了一遍,但除了一只空铁皮箱外什么也没有找到。 [05:00.28]They searched the house thoroughly,but found nothing. 他们彻底地搜查了房子,但是一无所获。 [05:04.52]He checked the engine of his car thoroughly before he set out. 动身前,他彻底地检查了汽车的引警。 [05:10.54]trunk 行李箱 [05:13.59]His trunk was fully packed. 他的行李箱装满了东西。 [05:18.24]She left her trunk at the railway station in a hurry. 匆忙中她把行李箱落在火车站了。 [05:22.27]confident 有信心的 [05:25.59]In spite of this,many people are confident that "The Revealer" may reveal something of value fairly soon. 尽管如此,很多人仍然相信“探宝品”很快就会探出值钱的东西。 [05:36.33]I have full confidence in her. 我充分信任她。 [05:42.14]It is important to build up self-confidence. 建立自信很重要。 [05:46.16]value 价值 [05:50.11]She realized the value of health when she was sick. 当她病时,她才意识到健康的宝贵。 [05:54.15]Your help is of great value to me. 你的帮助对我很重要。