[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 58 blessing 第58课 福分,福气 [00:06.46]a blessing in disguise? 是因祸得福吗? [00:10.20]It is my blessing to know you. 认识你是我的福气。 [00:14.19]The disaster is over,what a blessing! 空难结束了,这真是幸事! [00:18.02]disguise 伪装 [00:22.18]The film star went to the public places in disguise. 这个电影明星化了装去公共场所。 [00:28.31]Nobody saw through his disguise,but his accent gave him away. 没有人识破他的伪装,但是他的口音暴露了自己。 [00:35.02]tiny 极小的 [00:38.34]The tiny village of Frinley is said possesss a "cursed tree". 据说费林利这个小村里有 棵“该诅咒的树”。 [00:45.01]A tiny minority objected to the plan. 极少数人反对这个计划。 [00:50.04]Some tiny creatures lived in the pool. 一些小生物生活在水洼里。 [00:53.73]possess 拥有 [00:56.58]He possessed a large mansion by teh seaside. 他在海边拥有一幢大别墅。 [01:03.02]Now the government possesses the castle. 现在政府拥有这个城堡。 [01:06.43]cursed 可恨的 [01:10.04]The family was cursed from the first generation. 这个家族从第一代起就遭到了诅咒。 [01:14.10]I hate this cursed cold weather. 我讨厌这种该死的冷天。 [01:19.13]increase 增加 [01:22.31]Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper,the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased. 就因为报上提到过这棵树,所以现在来弗林利参观的人越来越多。 [01:33.32]The number of the students in the school increased by 20 per cent. 学校学生的人数增加了20%。 [01:37.54]The annual production of cars increased to 16,000. 汽车的年产量增加到16,000 辆。 [01:44.88]plant 种植 [01:48.21]The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago,but it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation. 该树是50年前栽在教堂附近的,但只是近几年才得到了一个坏名声。 [02:00.43]He planted some fruit trees in the garden. 他在花园里种了些果树。 [02:05.30]Many farmers don't want to plant crops because it is not profit-making. 许多农民不想种庄稼,因为它无利可图。 [02:10.66]church 教堂 [02:14.35]She attends church service every Sunday. 她每个星期天做礼拜。 [02:19.27]The congregation was at church. 全体教徒都在做礼拜。 [02:22.97]evil 坏的 [02:25.30]He is a man of evil fame. 他是个声名狼籍的人。 [02:30.42]Keep away from evil companions. 不要结交坏朋友。 [02:34.33]reputation 名声 [02:38.18]Mr.Black has an excellent reputation as a lawyer. 布莱克先生作为律师享有很好的名声。 [02:42.57]He was a man of integrity,but unfortunately he had a certain reputation. 他是个正直诚实的人,但不幸有某种坏名声。 [02:50.67]claim 以...为其后果 [02:54.36]Many villagers believe that the tree has already claimed a number of victims. 很多村民相信此树已经害了不少人。 [03:01.25]The flood claimed 1,000 villagers. 水灾夺去了1,000名村民的生命。 [03:06.26]It was reported that a fire in the bar had claimed 34 lives. 据报道酒吧里的一场大火夺去了34条人命。 [03:12.26]victim 受害者 [03:15.50]The victims of war claimed compensation. 战争受害者要求赔偿。 [03:20.59]Children fell victim to violence. 孩子们成为暴力的受害者。 [03:24.11]vicar 教区牧师 [03:26.25]The vicar has been asked to have the tree cut down,but so far he has refused. 人们曾请求教区的牧师叫人把树砍掉但他直到现在也没有同意。 [03:38.09]The vicar gave an excellent sermon. 教区牧师的布道非常精彩。 [03:42.31]The local vicar called upon everyone to contribute to the community. 当地的牧师要求每个人为社会作出贡献。 [03:47.49]source 来源 [03:50.47]He has pointed out that the tree is a useful source of income,as tourists have been coming from all parts of the country to see it. 他指出,由于们从全国各地纷纷前来参观这棵树,它成了一个有用的财源。 [04:04.20]The new was from a reliable source. 这则消息的来源可靠。 [04:09.21]There were lots of rumors about the sources of the campaign funds. 关于竞选资金的来源有很多谣传。 [04:14.09]income 收入 [04:17.52]We should pay income tax. 我们要交所得税。 [04:20.59]He has a small annual income. 他的年收入很微薄。 [04:24.91]trunk 树干 [04:28.30]In spite of all that has been said,the tourists have been picking leaves and cutting their names on the tree-trunk. 尽管有上述种种说法,但游客还是照常摘树叶和把他们的名字刻在树干上。 [04:39.52]A kola is resting on the trunk. 考拉在树干上休息。 [04:44.18]The trunk of the oak was burnt by the lightening. 橡树的树干被闪电烧焦了。