[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 64 tunnel 第64课 隧道 [00:07.04]In 1858,a French engineer,Aime Thome de Gamond,arrived in England with a plan for a twenty-one-mile tunnel under the English Channel. 1858年,一位名叫埃梅.托梅.德.干蒙的法国工程师带着建造一条长21英里、穿越英吉利海峡的隧道计划到了英国。 [00:24.30]It took many years to complete the construciton of the undersea tunnel linking Britain and France. 完成连接英国和法国的海底隧道的修建工作花了许多年。 [00:35.16]Can we construct a tunnel connecting the Mainland and Taiwan? 能否修建一条连接大陆和台湾的隧道? [00:40.25]port 港口 [00:43.57]This platform would serve as a port and a railway station. 这座平台将用作码头和火车站。 [00:50.12]This is an inland port. 这是内河港。 [00:54.31]We will reach the port in three days. 我们将在三天后抵达港口。 [01:00.36]The tunnel would be well-ventilated it tall chimneys were built above the sea level. 如果再建些伸出海面的高大的烟囱状通风管,隧道就具备了良好的通风条件。 [01:09.35]This house is poorly ventilated. 这个房子的通风不好。 [01:14.46]The coal mine is not well-ventilated. 煤矿的通风不甚好。 [01:18.28]chimney 烟囱 [01:22.57]Black smoke came from the chimney. 烟囱里冒出浓烟。 [01:27.36]It is believed that Father Christmas comes into the house through the chimney. 人们相信圣诞老人从烟囱里进的屋。 [01:34.18]sea level 海平面 [01:37.07]Most areas of Holland are below the sea level. 荷兰的大部分地区低于海平面。 [01:42.43]It stands above the sea level. 它耸立在海平面上。 [01:45.64]double 双的 [01:48.25]He suggested that a double railway-tunnel should be built. 他提议建一条双轨隧道。 [01:55.44]Sue likes to take a ride on the doubledecker. 苏喜欢乘坐双层汽车兜风。 [01:59.44]He reserved a double room. 他预定了一个双人间。 [02:04.07]ventilation 通风 [02:08.18]This would solve the problem of ventilation,for if a train entered this tunnel,it would draw in fresh air behind it. 这样就解决了通风问题。因为如果有一列火车开进隧道,它就把新鲜空气随之抽进了隧道。 [02:22.24]They used good ventilation facilities in the building. 他们在建筑里使用了好的通风设备。 [02:27.54]Ventiation remained a problem to be solved. 通风一直是一个有待解决的问题。 [02:31.53]fear 害怕 [02:36.39]If,at the time,the British had not feared invasion,it would have been completed. 如果不是因为那时英国人害怕入侵,隧道早已建成了。 [02:45.18]He does not fear death. 他不畏惧死亡。 [02:49.05]He feared the revelation of the truth. 他害怕真相被披露。 [02:53.81]invasion 入侵 [02:57.45]In the old days,China was always subjected to foreign invasions. 在过去中国总是被外国侵略。 [03:05.02]Cultural invasion is very common in modem time. 在现代文化侵略很普遍。 [03:09.71]officially 正式地 [03:13.27]It was officially opened on March 7,1994,finally connecting Britain to the European continent. 它于1994 年3月7日正式开通,将英国与欧洲大陆连到了一起。 [03:25.41]He was officially transferred to another department. 他被正式调到另一个部分。 [03:31.21]He officially announced his resignation. 他正式宣布辞职。 [03:35.92]connect 连接 [03:40.08]The two towns are connected by expressways. 两个小镇之间有高速公路相连。 [03:43.24]The living room and the kitchen are connected by a long passage. 起居室和厨房由一个长长的走廊相连。 [03:51.22]European 欧洲的 [03:54.45]The European Union has played an increasingly important roll in international affairs. 欧盟在国际事务中扮演着越来越重要的角色。 [04:04.17]Some European customs are quite strange. 一些欧洲风俗很奇怪。 [04:08.79]continent 大陆 [04:11.54]Who discovered the American continent? 谁发现的美洲大陆? [04:16.49]The five Olympic rings symbolize five continents. 奥运五环象征着五大洲。