[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 66 Lancaster 第66课 兰开斯特 [00:06.27]In 1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island,a remote place in the South Pacific,a long way west of Samoa. 1963年,一架兰开斯特轰炸机在瓦立斯岛坠毁。那是南太平洋中一个很偏僻的小岛,位于萨摩亚群岛以西,距离群岛还有很长一段距离。 [00:20.03]bomber 轰炸机 [00:22.25]The Japanese bomber was shot down. 日本轰炸机被击落。 [00:28.00]The bomber dropped several bombs on a village. 轰炸机在村庄里投下几枚炸弹。 [00:32.13]remote 偏僻的 [00:35.28]The education level in the remote,backward region is very low. 偏远落后地区的教育水平很低。 [00:41.38]She volunteered to work in a remote mountainous area. 她自愿到偏远的山区工作。 [00:46.35]Pacific 太平洋 [00:49.41]The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. 太平洋是世界上第一大洋。 [00:53.00]They had a rough time,sailing on the Pacific Ocean. 他们航行在太平洋上,处境艰难。 [00:58.98]damage 毁坏 [01:02.46]The plane wasn't too badly damaged,but over the years,the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed. 飞机损坏的程度并不严重,但是,多年来这起飞机失事已被遗忘,飞机残骸也没有受到破坏。 [01:14.42]This item damaged the interests of both companies. 这一条款损害了两个公司的利益。 [01:20.19]The ship was damaged in the storm. 船只在暴风雨中遭到破坏。 [01:23.38]wreck 残骸 [01:27.48]The wrecks of the passenger plane were found in the forest. 客机的残骸在森林中被发现。 [01:32.01]A hundred years later,divers found the wrecks of the ship. 一百年后潜水员发现了船只的残骸。 [01:38.52]rediscover 重新发现 [01:42.42]Then in 1989,twenty-six years after the crash,the plane was accidentally rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island. 于是,到了1989年,飞机失事26年后,在对小岛的一次航空勘察中那架飞机被意外地发现了。 [01:57.57]The ancient city was rediscovered hundreds of years later. 这座古城几百年后被重新发现。 [02:04.07]The ship wrecks were rediscovered by a diver. 一名潜水员发现了船只的残骸。 [02:08.17]aerial 航空的 [02:12.00]The aerial transportation is fast and convenient. 空运很便捷。 [02:17.54]They carried out an aerial combat. 他们实行空战。 [02:21.32]survey 调查 [02:24.30]The survey indicated a sharp increase in the unemployment rate. 调查表明失业率剧增。 [02:32.27]They conducted a survey on the causes of divorce. 他们对离婚的原因进行了调查。 [02:36.69]rescue 营救 [02:41.36]By this time,a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition 到了那个时候,状况良好的兰开斯特轰炸机 [02:47.06]was rare and worth rescuing. 实属罕见,值得抢救。 [02:51.03]They failed to rescue the journalist held by the terrorists. 他们未能营救出被恐怖分子劫持的记者。 [02:55.42]He risked his life to rescue a drowning child. 他冒着生命的危险援救溺水的孩子。 [03:01.71]package 把...打包 [03:05.47]The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France. 法国政府让人把飞机包装起来,一部分一部分地搬回法国。 [03:16.00]She poackaged up old books. 她把旧书打包。 [03:19.18]She had her luggage packaged. 她把行李打包。 [03:23.48]enthusiast 热心人 [03:27.22]Now a group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored. 一热心人计划修复这架飞机。 [03:33.29]Enthusiasts for environmental protection objected to the neclear power station. 热心于环保的人反对核电站。 [03:42.22]He is an enthusiast for politics. 他热心于政治。 [03:47.16]restore 修复 [03:50.52]The museum restored the building to its 19th century appearance. 博物馆把建筑修复到19世纪的面貌。 [03:57.12]The castle was restored out of all recognition. 城堡被修复得面目全非。 [04:01.72]imagine 想像 [04:05.39]Imagine their eurprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey-still in perfect condition. 想一想他们所感受到的惊奇和兴奋——当他们拆开包装箱时,他们发现第4台发动机就像蜜一样甜——发动机完好无损。 [04:25.27]You cannot imagine what a hard life he led. 你无法想象他过着多苦的日子。 [04:30.16]We cannot imagine life without imagination. 我们无法想象没有想力的生活。 [04:35.34]packing case 包装箱 [04:38.27]The packing case was damaged during the delivery. 包装箱在货运中受损。 [04:43.22]The packing case is in good condition. 包装箱状况良好。 [04:46.60]colony 群 [04:50.28]A colony of bees has turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax! 一群蜜蜂把发动机当作了蜂房,发动机在蜂蜡中被完整地保存了下来。 [04:59.30]A colony of ants were busy transporting food. 一群蚂蚁正忙着搬运食物。 [05:05.48]A colony of termites settled in my house. 一群白蚁在我的房子里安了家。 [05:09.67]bee 蜂 [05:13.19]She is as busy as a bee. 她像蜜蜂一样勤劳。 [05:15.38]He keeps bees in his garden. 他在花园里养蜂。 [05:20.09]hive 蜂房 [05:24.07]They busied themselves at the door of the Chapel like bees at the mouth of a hive. 他们在教堂的门口忙碌着,就像蜜蜂在蜂巢的入口处一样。 [05:33.54]The bees built a hive under the roof. 蜜蜂在屋顶下建蜂房。 [05:37.33]preserve 保护 [05:41.11]To poreserve one's eyesight is important. 保护视力很重要。 [05:46.00]We should take measures to preserve the environment from pollution. 我们应该采取措施保护环境免受污染。 [05:51.54]beeswax 蜂蜡 [05:53.85]The hive is full of beeswax. 蜂房里满是蜂蜡。 [05:59.52]Can beeswax be used in cosmetic? 蜂蜡能用于化妆品吗?