[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 74 limelight 第74课 舞台灯光 [00:06.32]out of the limelight 舞台之外 [00:09.53]She is fond of limelight. 她喜欢出风头。 [00:14.22]The successful businessman has always been in the limelight. 那位成功的商人一直受到公众的瞩目。 [00:19.23]precaution 预防措施 [00:22.46]Dressed in dark glasses and old clothes,they had taken special precautions so that no one should recognize them. 他们戴着墨镜,穿着旧衣裳,特别小心以防别人认出他们。 [00:34.34]They take precautions against fire in the bars. 酒吧里采取了预防火灾的措施。 [00:40.06]Effective precautions have been taken to prevent children from drowning. 已经采取有效措施防止小孩溺水。 [00:45.07]fan 狂热者 [00:48.56]No newspaper men,no film fans! 没有记者,就没有影迷! [00:53.31]Many football fans travelled to Japan and South Korea to watch the World Cup. 许多足球迷到日本和韩国观看世界杯比赛。 [01:01.37]Crazy fans were waiting in the rain for the arrival of their idol. 疯狂的歌迷们在雨中等待偶像的到来。 [01:06.90]shady 遮荫的 [01:10.49]Meanwhile,tow other actors, Rockwall Slinger and Merlin Greeves,had carried two large food baskets to a shady spot under some trees. 此时,另外两位演员,罗克沃尔·斯林格和默林·格里夫斯,已经把两个大食品篮子提到了一片树荫下。 [01:24.38]It is comfortable to sit under the shady tree. 坐在成荫的树下很舒服。 [01:29.10]They chatted in the shady corner of the garden. 他们在阴凉的花园角落里闲聊。 [01:32.67]sheriff 司法长官 [01:36.25]I'm sheriff here. 我是这里的司法长官。 [01:39.45]The sheriff was killed by his rival. 司法官被他的对手杀死。 [01:44.03]The sheriff convicted the man of murder. 司法官宣判那人犯有谋杀罪。 [01:47.28]notice 告示 [01:50.52]Do you see that notice? 你们看到那个布告牌了吗? [01:54.21]A notice was put up at the school gate. 校门口贴了一个通知。 [01:58.45]The notice was torn down. 通知被人撕下来。 [02:01.42]sneer 冷笑 [02:05.03]"Oh,is it?" said the sheriff with a sneer. “喔,是吗?”那位司法长官冷笑一声说道。 [02:10.24]I was uncomfortable with his sneer. 他的冷笑使我很不舒服。 [02:13.24]He gave me a reply with a sneer. 他冷笑着答复我。