[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 95 fantasy 第95课 幻想故事 [00:07.11]a fantasy 纯属虚构 [00:09.08]He idled all day long,indulging in fantasy. 他整天无所事事,沉湎于幻想之中。 [00:15.41]Mary is always having fantasies about marrying a millionaire. 玛丽老是抱着嫁给百万富翁的幻想。 [00:20.70]ambassador 大使 [00:23.51]When the Ambassador of Escalopia returned home for lunch,his wife got a shock. 当艾斯卡罗比亚国的大使回到家吃午饭时,把他的夫人吓了一跳。 [00:34.29]The British ambassador to Israel expressed his indignation to the terrorism. 英国驻以色列的大使表达了对恐怖主义的愤慨。 [00:44.40]The Chinese ambassador to Washington made a statment after the event. 事件发生后,中国驻华盛顿的大使发表了声明。 [00:50.00]Escalopia 艾斯卡罗比亚国 [00:53.09]When the Ambassador of Escalopia returned home for lunch,his wife got a shock. 当艾斯卡罗比亚国的大使回到家吃午饭时,把他的夫人吓了一跳。 [01:02.66]frightful 可怕的 [01:05.95]He looked pale and his clothes were in a fightful state. 他面色苍白,衣服也搞得不成样子。 [01:12.19]The frightful sight frightened the little girl into crying. 这个可怕的景象把小女孩吓哭了。 [01:17.54]The frightful news became the headline of today's newspaper. 这则骇人听闻的消息成了今天报纸的头条。 [01:23.48]fire extinguisher 灭火器 [01:25.55]"A fire extinguisher,my dear." Answered the Ambassador drily. “灭火器弄的,亲爱的,”大使冷冷地回答。 [01:31.47]The school building is equipped with a lot of fire extinguishers. 教学楼配备了许多灭火器。 [01:37.28]drily 冷淡地 [01:41.03]"I think you misunderstood me,"he said drily. “我想起你误解了我,”他冷冷地说。 [01:46.58]He refused her request drily. 他冷冷地拒绝了她的请求。 [01:51.26]embassy 大使馆 [01:55.31]University students set the Embassy on fire this morning. 今天上午大学生们放火点着了大使馆。 [02:01.10]The embassy officials and their families gathered together to celebrate Christmas. 大使馆官员和他们的家人聚在一起庆祝圣诞节。 [02:10.18]The embassy was attacked by the terrorists. 大使馆遭到了恐怖分子的袭击。 [02:14.01]heaven 天,天堂 [02:16.21]"Good heavens!" exclaimed his wife. “天啊!”他的夫人惊叫。 [02:21.31]Christians believe that virtuous people will go to heaven after their death. 基督徒相信有美德的人死后会进入天堂。 [02:25.57]To her,life in a scenic village is like a life in heaven. 对她来说,生活在风景如画的村庄就像生活在天堂。 [02:32.41]basement 地下室 [02:36.30]The fire broke out in the basement. 地下室突然着火。 [02:40.26]The family his in the basement during the air raid. 空袭时这家人躲在地下室。 [02:45.22]A party was held in the basement. 地下室里在举行晚会。 [02:48.35]definitely 肯定地 [02:52.39]I must definitely get that fellow posted. 我一定要把那个家伙打发走。 [02:57.38]Actresses in Hollywood are definitely unfairl paid. 好莱坞的女演员接受的报酬肯定不公。 [03:01.28]He will definitely move to America to start his career. 他肯定要移居到美国开始他的事业。 [03:07.48]post 派任 [03:10.18]He was posted abroad to work in a subsidiary for two years. 他被派驻国外在子公司工作两年。 [03:17.20]Because of her gender,her request to be posted to the head office was turned down. 由于性别关系,她请求派往总公司的要求被拒绝了。 [03:25.44]shot 子弹 [03:29.00]Someone fired a shot through my office window. 有人向我办公室窗户开了一枪。 [03:33.02]He was wounded by a shot in the leg during the war. 战争期间,他的腿被枪打伤了。 [03:39.48]A masked man fired shots at the president's car. 一个蒙面男人朝总统的车开了几枪。