[00:00.00]Now to Egypt. [00:01.95]Among the demonstrators who jam Tahrir Square every day are hundreds of women. [00:05.91]They face a very disturbing threat from gangs of men who sexually assault female protesters. [00:11.53]Lindsey Hilsum of Independent Television News reports from Cairo. [00:14.72]And a warning: You may find some of the details and the images in her story distressing. [00:22.22]Such sweet boys full of energy and fun. [00:25.26]They have just been chasing a young woman up the street. The interviewer asks them why. [00:33.22]"If a lady is respectable, no one will harass her," says a kid in red. [00:38.07]The others pile in. "Why do they wear short skirts or tight trousers?" [00:42.42]"Some young women, when we flirt with them, they smile." [00:45.88]That's how it starts. This is how it ends. [00:51.95]A mob attacks a young woman on the corner of Tahrir Square. We have disguised her identity. [00:57.97]This is one of more than a hundred assaults in Tahrir Square during last week's demonstrations. [01:04.35]This is the very place. Women still come to the square, but it's dangerous. [01:10.17]This corner of Tahrir Square has become notorious for attacks on women. [01:14.57]I can only come here tonight because it's almost empty because of Ramadan and people are praying. [01:20.19]And I have got a whistle to protect me and an alarm and a whole crew of people around me. [01:25.56]That's not the case for many women who come here. [01:28.65]And the most horrific thing I have heard is that these attacks are planned, and, [01:32.90]sometimes, women think that the men coming for them are trying to save them from being assaulted, [01:38.78]but in fact they take them away and attack them again. [01:42.41]A long darning needle. [01:44.30]Janet Abdel Aleem and her group of activists distribute the needles to women for self-defense. [01:50.17]She and her colleague Nada were assaulted in Tahrir Square last November. [01:58.18]They were putting their hands into my pants and into Nada's pants and inside my blouse, touching me everywhere. [02:05.26]There were about 15 to 20 people who said they were trying to protect and save us, but they suddenly started to attack us. [02:13.41]Today, the Muslim Brotherhood are on the streets. [02:16.60]The women tell me it's the secularists in Tahrir Square, not religious men, who do it. [02:21.96]No, that's in Tahrir Square, not here; 170 women get raped in Tahrir Square, [02:28.29]because I don't know which kind of people is going to Tahrir Square. [02:31.97]Maybe it's the people, they freed them when they open prisons. [02:35.36]But both political factions have tried to intimidate women off the streets at different times. [02:41.79]And the Muslim Brotherhood blocked a law on violence against women. [02:45.99]Law and order collapsed under their rule, so voluntary groups had to step in. [02:50.96]We're doing the job of the police. [02:53.40]We're doing the job of people who are in power who should be responsible for this. [02:59.61]Zeinab is planning to join her male colleagues intervening to save women being attacked in Tahrir Square, [03:07.05]because the victims now fear that rescuers may in fact turn out to be rapists. [03:12.26]I reached the point where I don't get scared anymore. [03:18.06]Now when someone touches me when I'm trying to, not intervene, but patrolling at least, or anything like that, [03:24.71]it's never fine. But kind -- I know it's part of the job, like, it's something that you cannot prevent for now. [03:31.35]But when it comes to intervening, I saw cases. I saw victims and I -- [03:36.76]it's traumatizing, and I see them. And I feel that it's not -- you cannot trust a man anymore. [03:42.72]Poverty, unemployment, segregation of the sexes, many factors contribute to endemic sexual harassment in Egypt. [03:50.67]But deprivation in social attitudes are not the only causes. [03:56.89]The problem is, there's no law against this. [03:59.27]People know if they go into the square and touch women, they will not be punished. [04:03.71]Also, us women are blamed for being harassed. We shouldn't blame women for this. [04:14.11]In Tahrir Square, they're holding Ramadan prayers just next to the place where women are frequently raped. [04:21.09]Mob assaults and escalation of sexual harassment are the unintended consequence of a revolution that was meant to liberate Egyptians, men and women alike. [04:33.24]The Muslim Brotherhood and other groups are calling for a million man demonstration tomorrow in Cairo. [04:38.67]Its aim is to protest President Morsi's ouster and clashes with Egypt's military that left more than 50 people dead.