[00:01:56]You don't have to worry - she may be President, 请不必担忧 她是院长 [00:04:50]but I am the Patron so you're quite safe with me. Please. 但我是赞助人 不用担心自己会丢了工作 [00:09:15]My mother was right, then. The man's life was saved. 这么说我母亲是对的 她先生得救了 [00:13:07]Well, I like to think we were both right. 我当时跟您母亲的想法一致 [00:16:21]But I'm not sure Lady Grantham will be so easily convinced. 只是老伯爵夫人没那么好说服 [00:19:22]Then we must strengthen the argument. 那就据理力争 [00:21:48]Cousin Isobel wants something to do very well. Isobel堂嫂想找些事做 [00:24:12]Let's make her Chairman of the Board. 就让她做董事会主席吧 [00:26:01]She'd like that, wouldn't she? 她会接受吧 [00:27:54]Certainly she would. 当然了 [00:29:28]Then my mother will have to listen to her. 我母亲将必须听命于她了 [00:31:29]She's been an absolute ruler there for long enough. 她独断专权太久了 [00:33:17]It's time for some loyal opposition. 需要些逆耳忠言 [00:35:38]Well, if you're quite certain, my lord. 您决定便是 阁下 [00:39:56]What were you going to say? 你想说什么 [00:41:29]Well, at the risk of being impertinent, on your own head be it. 恕我无礼 就靠您撑腰了