[00:00.10]Now I get to work in a job that I love, but I have always worked in a job that I loved. 我热爱我的工作,但是我从来如此, [00:04.26]I loved it just as much when I thought it was a big deal or to make 1,000 bucks. 无论我在谈大生意,还是只赚1000美元的时候,我也爱我所做的亊情。 [00:09.10]I urge you to work in jobs that you love. 我希望你们也做自己喜欢的工作。 [00:10.54]I mean I think you are out of your mind if you take, keep taking jobs that you don’t like because you think it will look good on your on your resume. 如果你总是为了简历上好看些就不断跳槽,做你不喜欢的工作,我认为你一定是脑子进水了。 [00:16.52]I was with a fellow at Harvard the other day who was taking me over to talk.He was 28 and he was telling me all that he had done well in life, which was terrific. 我碰到过一个28岁的哈佛毕生,他告诉我他一直以来都做得不错。 [00:25.25]And then I said, “What will you do next?” 我问他:“下一步你 打算做些什么?” [00:27.20]He said, “Well,maybe after I get my MBA, maybe I will go to work for a management consulting firm because it will look good on my resume." 他说:“可 能读个MBA吧,然后去个管理咨询的大公司,简历上看着漂亮点。” [00:36.13]I said, “Wait a minute. You are 28 and you have been doing all these things, you have a resume 10 times better than I have seen. 我说:"等一下, 你才28岁,你做了这么多亊情, 你的简历比我看到过的最好的还要强十倍, [00:42.19]I think if you taken another job you don't like, isn’t it a little like saving up your sex for your old age?” 现在你要再找一个你不喜欢的工作,你不觉得这就好像把你的性生活省下来到晚年的时候再用吗? ” [00:47.58]You know (what) I mean. 你们明白我什么意思。 [00:49.42]There comes a time when you ought to start doing what you (want). 是时候该去做自己喜欢的事情了。 [00:53.00]I think I got an important question. So you ought to take a job. When you get out of there, take a job that you love. 我想我有个重要的问题要说,你们应该做你们喜欢的工作, [01:01.37]Don’t take a job that you know you think it will look good on your resume. Take a job you love. 应该选择那些你热爱的工作,而不是让你的简历看上去风光的工作。 [01:05.07]You may change it later on, but you will jump out of bed in the morning. 当然,你的爱好可能会有变化。(对那些你热爱的工作,)每天早上你是蹦着起床的。 [01:08.23]I mean when I got out of Columbia (the university), the first thing is I try to go to work for Graham immediately. I offered to go to work for nothing. 当我从哥伦比亚大学毕业时,我恨不得马上就给格雷厄姆干活,无偿为他干。 [01:13.36]He thought I was over-priced. But I kept pestering him. 他认为我太高估自己了(所以他没有要我),但我总是不停地请求他。 [01:17.48]I went out to Omaha and I sold securities for three years and I kept writing him and getting him my own ideas and finally I went to work for him for a couple of years. 我去了奥马哈市, 卖了3年的证券,期间从不间断地给他写信,聊我的想法, 最终他要了我,我在他那儿工作了几年。 [01:24.44]And it was a great experience. 那几年带给我的是非常有益的经验。 [01:27.34]But I always really worked in a job that I loved doing. 我总是做我热爱的工作。 [01:34.23]You should really take a job that if you were independently wealthy that you would to take, that is the job you would to take. 抛开经济因素,如果你单纯地喜欢做一项工作,那么那就是你应该做的工作。 [01:40.38]That’s the one you are going to have great confidence. You will learn something; you will be excited about it. 但是从中你会得到自信,你会学到很多东西,工作起来也会觉得有无穷的乐趣。 [01:45.47]And you can’t miss, you may go to do something later on, but you will get away more out of it and I don’t care what the starting salary is. 可能你将来会变,但是做你热爱的工作,你会从工作中得到很多很多。起薪的多少无足轻重。 [01:53.46]I don’t know how I got off on that. But there I am. 不知怎么,扯得远了些。 [01:57.55]So I do think that if you think you are going to be a lot happier, if you got 2x instead of an x. you are probably making a mistake. 总之,如果你认为得到两个X比得到一个让你更开心,你可能就要犯错了。 [02:10.06]I mean that you ought to find something you like and works with that. 重要的是发现生活的真谛,做你喜欢做的。 [02:17.48]You will get in trouble if you think making 10x or 20x will be answering everything in life 如果你认为得到10个或20个X是你一切生活的答案,那么你就有麻烦了: [02:22.29]because then you will do things like borrow money when you should cut comers on things or your employers want you to cut corners on. 你想走捷径或者你的员工让你走捷径,那你就会做出借钱这类的事情。 [02:29.18]It just doesn't make any sense. You won't like it when you look back on it. 这根本没有意义。多年以后,你会为你的所作所为而后悔。