[00:07.88]My friend Ben and I have been waiting a month to see our favorite band in concert. 我的朋友本和我等了一个月终于等到了我们最喜欢的乐队的演唱会。 [00:14.81]This was the night. We were so excited. 当天晚上,我们非常兴奋。 [00:19.76]In a small venue like the Whiskey, there wouldn't be a bad seat in the house. 在威士忌酒吧这样的小场所,没有不好的位子。 [00:27.28]So, we get to the Whiskey really early to find street parking and snagged a spot about four blocks away. 所以,我们很早就去了威士忌,在街上找停车位,在四个街区以外的地方找到了。 [00:37.83]Then, we got in line which was already about 20 deep. 然后我们排上了酒吧门口的队,已经有二十人在前面了。 [00:43.94]There were two bouncers outside of the bar and they weren't letting anybody in yet. We waited and waited in line. 门口有两个门卫,拦着所有人。我们在队伍里等啊等。 [00:55.07]Finally, the line started to move. 终于,队伍开始前进。 [00:58.80]When we got to the head of it, one of the bouncers checked our tickets and one of the other employees of the club put a wrist band on each of us. 等我们走到前面,一个门卫检查了我们的票,另一个门卫给我们带上腕带。 [01:11.36]I guess this was to let the employees in the bar know that we belonged there and we weren't crashing the party. 我猜这是为了让酒吧里的人知道我们是里面的人,并不是闯进来的。 [01:20.80]Anyway, we got inside and tried to get as close to the stage as possible. 不管怎样,我们进去试着靠近舞台。 [01:27.38]There were already a bunch of people standing in front of the stage in a special roped-off section. 已经有一堆人站在舞台前面,在一个预定的特殊区域。 [01:35.85]These were probably VIP's or maybe they were groupies. Who knows? 他们或许是VIP或许是组团来的。谁知道呢? [01:43.57]Anyway, I just know that security wasn't letting anyone get that close. 不管怎样,我只知道保安不让任何人靠那么近。 [01:51.30]Before too long, people started to cheer and I knew that the opening act was about to come on. 开始前没多久,人们开始欢呼,我知道开场表演马上到了。 [02:00.20]This was a band I'd never heard of before so I wasn't that excited to hear them. 我以前没听过这个乐队的歌,所以我不是很兴奋。 [02:07.63]They did come out and they started played a set. 他们出场然后开始演唱。 [02:12.90]I couldn't believe it. They were really horrible. 我不敢相信,他们唱的太糟糕了。 [02:17.91]The people standing next to Ben and me started boo-ing the band. 本旁边的人和我开始嘘这个乐队。 [02:23.61]Other people started throwing things on the stage, like their drinks and their food. 其他人开始往台上扔东西,比如他们的食物和饮料。 [02:31.27]After a little while, the boo-ing got so loud, you could hardly hear the band. 过了一小会儿,嘘声越来越大,压过了乐队的声音。 [02:38.82]Finally, they finished their song and left the stage. 终于,这个乐队完成了他们的表演离场了。 [02:45.49]The concert-goers were pretty rowdy by this time. 演唱会观众这时很吵闹。 [02:49.33]Some were yelling, others were getting up on top of the bar and dancing. 一些在大喊大叫,另一些踏上吧台跳舞。 [02:56.01]Just when I thought there was going to be riot, someone got on the microphone and started to introduced the headlining band. 就在我认为会发生骚乱的时候,有人通过麦克风开始介绍今晚的主角。 [03:07.56]All of a sudden, everybody calmed down and started cheering. 突然,人们安静了,然后开始欢呼。 [03:13.93]The band came on stage and started their first number. 乐队登上舞台开始唱第一首歌。 [03:19.08]Then, the room was full of happy campers. Ben and I were both a little nervous for a second there. 接着,整个酒吧里的听众都心满意足。我和本起初有点紧张。 [03:28.53]We didn't know if things were going to get out of hand. 我们不确定事情会不会失控。 [03:32.96]But when the band started playing, we knew that everything would be ok. 但是当乐队开始表演,我们知道什么事儿都没有。 [03:39.49]This was turning out to be a great night, just like we'd imagined. 那天晚上跟我们想象的一样美好。