[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:05.60]I love watching movies. I like a lot of different genres. 我喜欢看电影。我喜欢很多题材的电影。 [00:13.85]No matter what my mood is, I can always find something that fits the bill. 不管我心情如何,总能找到适合观看的电影。 [00:21.26]When I'm feeling down, I sometimes like a good comedy. 当我心情低落的时候,有时我会看些好的喜剧。 [00:28.10]My favorite are romantic comedies. The plot is pretty simple. 我最爱的是浪漫喜剧。情节很简单。 [00:36.95]A boy meets a girl and there are road blocks to them getting together. 一个男孩遇到一个女孩,很多障碍阻碍他们在一起。 [00:45.69]The lead actors are usually likable people, the supporting cast give comic relief and villains are people we love to hate. 主演通常是很讨喜的人,配角提供乐子,坏人让我们咬牙切齿。 [01:01.83]In the end, though, there is usually a happy ending. 然而,最终的结局通常是圆满的。 [01:07.39]Romantic comedies, or comedies in general, can be predictable but they're also pretty entertaining. 浪漫喜剧或者说通俗喜剧情节能预测,但是娱乐性也很强。 [01:18.22]I don't go out of my way to see slapstick or physical comedies that much. 我不太喜欢看滑稽剧和动作喜剧。 [01:27.12]But, once in a while, I catch a good one on TV. 但是,有一段时间我在电视上看过一部不错的。 [01:33.91]I like dramas, mysteries, and action and adventure stories, not to mention documentaries. 我喜欢戏剧,悬疑剧动作冒险故事,更不用说纪录片了。 [01:47.56]My favorite are movies that have surprise endings that throw you for a loop . 我最爱的电影有让你大跌眼镜的结局。 [01:56.42]Just when you thought you had the whole thing figured out, there's a plot twist. 你觉得整个事情水落石出的时候,情节突转。 [02:04.17]Good screenwriters or directors can pull it off. 好的剧作家或者导演能做到。 [02:11.15]One type of movie I don't like that much are horror movies. Scary movies just don't do it for me. 我不太喜欢恐怖片。恐怖电影不是我的菜。 [02:23.95]But, there is one exception. I like movies by the director Alfred Hitchcock. 但是有一个例外。我喜欢阿尔弗雷德希区柯克导演的电影。 [02:33.86]Hitchcock was born in England but made most of his films in the U.S. 希区柯克出生在英格兰,但是他大部分电影是在美国完成的。 [02:42.21]Before he died in 1980, he made a lot of movies that are now considered classics. 在1980年去世之前他拍了许多现在奉为经典的电影。 [02:52.09]Most of them are nail- biters; some are mysteries and some are horror stories. 大多数电影都是惊悚剧,有些是悬疑剧,还有些是恐怖故事。 [03:01.88]The scariest movie I think he made and that I've ever seen was a movie called Psycho. 我认为我看过的他指导的最恐怖的电影是惊魂记。 [03:11.95]The movie is set in a seedy motel called Bates Motel. 这个电影发生在一个乌烟瘴气的名字叫做贝兹的汽车旅馆。 [03:18.49]The main character owns the motel and lives there with his mother. 主角是旅馆主人,跟他妈妈住在一起。 [03:26.39]Strange things happened at this motel. People check in, but sometimes, they don't check out. 奇怪的事情在这个旅馆发生。人们登记入住,但是有时候不退房。 [03:37.30]One day, a very pretty woman checks in to the motel. We know something bad is going happen to her. 一天,一个很漂亮的女人登记入住旅馆。我们知道她肯定要倒霉了。 [03:48.68]Sure enough, we see her get murdered. At the very end, we find out who the murderer is. 不出所料,我们看到她被谋杀了。最终,我们发现了杀人凶手。 [03:59.39]It's one of those surprise endings. Just when you thought you have it figured out, it turns out to be a shocker. 结局令人惊讶。你觉得你知道答案的时候,结果却出人意料。 [04:10.45]I won't spoil the ending for you if you haven't seen it. 如果你没看过,我是不会把结果给你说的。 [04:15.61]I recommend it though and give it a big thumbs up. But, be warned. It's not for the faint-hearted. 然而,我推荐这部电影,这部电影拍得好。但是,警告,心脏脆弱者慎重。