[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Situation10: Calling for Directions 场景10:打电话问地址 [00:03.92](Mike calls Sarah's sorority to get direction to the party (Mike打电话给Sarah的女生会问去参加晚会的地址。) [00:08.76]Hello, may I speak with Sarah, please? 喂,请找一下Sarah,好吗? [00:12.19]Sarah's not here. Can I take a message? Sarah不在。我可以带个口信吗? [00:16.55]No, no message. 不了,没有口信。 [00:19.04]I was just calling for directions to the party tonight. 我只是想问今晚开晚会的地址。 [00:22.75]Do you know where it is? 你知道在哪吗? [00:25.50]Sure, I'm going too. 当然,我也去 [00:27.98]It's in the grand ballroom of the Hyatt Hotel. 在Hyatt宾馆的豪华舞厅。 [00:32.49]And what's the best way to get there from school? 从学校去那最好是哪条路? [00:36.47]Will you be driving? 你要开车吗? [00:39.03]Well, I won't, but my friend Bill has a car, and my roommate and I will be going with him. 我不开,但是我的朋友Bill有车,我的室友和我将和他一起去。 [00:44.27]Okay, it's really easy. 好的,那就简单了。 [00:47.95]Just go straight down Main Street heading toward downtown. 只要直走主街道到商业区。 [00:53.46]Then turn right on Brattle Street, you know where Barttle is, right? 然后在Brattle街向右拐,你知道Barttle街在哪,是吗? [00:57.77]Yeah, isn't there a Gap clothing store on the corner? 是的,那是不是有家个性服饰店在拐角的地方? [01:02.16]Right. And from there just go down about four blocks and the Hyatt is on the corner of Barttle and Kearney Street. 对。从那里只要一直走四个区,Hyatt就在Barttle和Kearney街道的拐角处 [01:10.64]And the grand ballroom is on the second floor. Did you get all that? 并且豪华舞厅在二楼。你都记下来了吗? [01:16.24]Got it. Anything else I should know? 记下来了。还有没有我应该知道的? [01:20.56]No, just be there a little early or all the good food will be gone. 没有,你只要早点去那否则所有的好吃的都会没有的。 [01:26.35]Okay, we'll be there at eight o'clock sharp. 好的,我们会整八点到那。 [01:29.52]Fine, but the party starts at seven. 好,可是晚会七点开始。 [01:33.31]That's right. I forgot. 对,我忘了。 [01:36.19]We'll be there no later than quarter after seven, okay? 我们会不迟于七点一刻到那,好吗? [01:40.15]Great. See you then. 太好了。那再见。 [01:42.42]See you then. Bye. 再见