[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Situation 12: At Pizza Hut 场景 12: 在比萨店 [00:05.11](Kevin and Barry arrive at Pizza hut and get ready to order.) ( 柯文和芭雷开车到比萨店,准备点东西。) [00:09.08]Hello, welcome to Pizza Hut. 你们好,欢迎光领比萨店。 [00:14.13]May I take your order? 请问需要什么? [00:17.04]Barry, let's get a medium pizza and each order one half, okay? 芭雷,我们要一个中等的比萨,一人一半怎么样? [00:21.30]That sounds good. 听起来很不错。 [00:23.48]I want my half with sausage, onions, mushrooms, and anchovies. 我的那一半要香肠,洋葱,蘑菇和凤尾鱼。 [00:29.47]Anchovies?! Anchovies stink. 凤尾鱼?!凤尾鱼是臭的。 [00:32.61]How can you eat those things? 你怎么能吃那些东西? [00:35.56](The woman working at Pizza Hut becomes angry (在比萨店工作的那个女人生气了, [00:40.06]because they are making her wait too long.) 因为他们让她等的太久了。) [00:43.33]Excuse me, but are you going to order the second half of your pizza? 对不起,你的那一半比萨打算要什么? [00:49.41]Yeah, quite talking about how bad my pizza is and order your own half. 是的,停止说我的比萨有多坏,点你自己的那一半吧。 [00:55.43]I will. I would like ham and pineapple. 我会的.我要火腿和菠萝。 [00:58.46]What?! 什么?! [01:00.27]Ham and pineapple are way worse than anchovies. 火腿和菠萝比凤尾鱼更糟。 [01:04.41]What are you, Kevin, Hawaiian? 你是哪里人,柯文, 夏威夷人? [01:08.49]No, I'm from California just like you. 不,我和你一样是加洲人。 [01:12.94]But Hawaiian pizza is the best. 但是夏威夷比萨是最好的。 [01:16.15]Would you like anything to drink with that? 你们想要什么喝的吗? [01:19.82]I'll have a coke. 我要可可。 [01:23.28]I'd like a water. 我要一杯水。 [01:25.59](The woman gets them their drinks.) (那个女人给他们饮料。) [01:28.57]Here you are. 给你们。 [01:30.37]That will be nine dollars and fifty-nine cents. 一共是9美元59美分。 [01:36.10](Barry gives the woman ten dollars.) (芭雷给那个女人10美元。) [01:38.06]Here you are. 给你. [01:40.39]Here is your change, forty-one cents. 找你钱,49美分。 [01:44.34]Your number is thirteen. 你们是13号。 [01:47.20]Please find a table and I will call your number when your pizza is ready. 请找一个位置,你们的比萨好了我会叫你们的。 [01:53.22]Let's sit by the window. 我们坐在窗户边上。 [01:55.19]Great. 好的。