[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Situation2: A History Lecture 场景2: 历史课 [00:03.78](Sitting down in the back of the lecture hall. 坐在学术大厅的后面 [00:08.01]I thought for sure I'd be late. 我以为我会迟到 [00:11.00]Hey, Mike. You're late, but so is Professor Clark. 嘿,Mike。你迟到了,Clark教授也是 [00:15.31]He's getting old, maybe he forgot about class today. 他老了,也许忘记了今天的课 [00:20.32]We should be so lucky. 我们应该是太幸运了。 [00:22.16]No, I'm just happy that he's later than me. I was really worried. 不,我只是高兴他比我还晚。我真的很担心。 [00:27.20]Oh, here he comes. 哦,他来了 [00:30.15](Entering from the front of the room and walking up to the podium.) 走到房间前面并走上讲台 [00:34.55]Good morning class, or should I say good afternoon? 同学们早上好,我是不是应该说中午好? [00:40.53]Twelve o'clock classes always confuse me. 十二点的课总是让我糊涂。 [00:45.07]In that case, let's begin today's lecture. 假如那样的话,让我们开始今天的课。 [00:49.55]Today I want to speak about the American Civil War, 今天我要讲美国内战。 [00:53.85]which I am assuming all of you read about last week in the book by Huntington. 上个星期我让你们将课本看到Huntington为止。 [01:00.57]The Civil War can be analyzed in many ways, 这内战可以从很多方面来分析 [01:04.28]but today I want to discuss it as a result of economics. 但今天我想从经济方面来讨论一下。 [01:11.04]The northern United States industrialized rather early and so had little need for slave labor in their society. 北美洲的工业化开始的早一些,所以他们不需要奴隶劳动 [01:19.59]The southern states, on the other hand, 而南美洲呢,却相反 [01:23.39]had an economy based on agriculture, particularly cotton. 他们的经济建立在农业的基础上,特别是棉花 [01:28.09]This caused a much higher demand for slaves to supply manual labor in the fields. 这就需要大量的农奴进行地里的手工劳动。 [01:37.39]Eventually, this fundamental different in economic structures led to a difference in ideology. 后来,这个经济结构上的基本区别导致观念上的不一样 [01:46.05]And, as ideological differences often do, 由于观念分歧的长期作用, [01:49.32]this led to a conflict which eventually resulted in war. 导致矛盾冲突也就是后来的战争。 [01:54.30]In this way, the Civil War is not unlike the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, 就这样,内战不象美洲和苏维埃之间的冷战 [02:04.08]Which was also largely cause by differing economic systems. 而是大部分由于经济体系的不同。