[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Situation 4: At School 场景4: 在学校 [00:05.07](Kevin and Barry finish practice and drive to school. (凯文和巴瑞完成排练,开车回到学校. [00:08.52]They have a little time before school starts and go to the cafeteria to talk.) 离上课还有一段时间,他们就去咖啡馆聊天.) [00:15.13]Kevin, let's go to get some coffee in the cafeteria, 凯文,我们去咖啡馆喝点咖啡, [00:20.41]class doesn't start for ten minutes. 还有10分钟上课. [00:23.59]Okay, but I don't like coffee. 好的,但是我不喜欢咖啡. [00:25.25]I'll drink hot chocolate. 我喝点热巧克力. [00:29.05]You can drink whatever you want, but let's go. 你想喝什么就喝什么,走吧. [00:32.58]There are some cute girls in there. 那有许多漂亮的女生. [00:35.30]Why didn't you say so? I'm going, I'm going. 你为什么不那么说?我走了,我走了. [00:40.13]You said you wanted hot chocolate, right? 你说你想喝热巧克力,是吗? [00:43.18]Right. 是的. [00:45.14](Barry goes up to the counter and orders.) (巴瑞来到柜台前开始点东西.) [00:48.58]Could I please have one large coffee and one medium hot chocolate? 我想要一大杯咖啡和一中杯热巧克力. [00:53.20]One large coffee and one medium hot chocolate? 一大杯咖啡和一中杯热巧克力? [00:58.38]Yes. 是的. [01:00.44]That will be one dollar and ninety-five cents, please. 一共是1美元95美分. [01:04.10]Here's two dollars. Keep the change. 这是2美元.不用找了. [01:08.48](Barry takes the drinks back to Kevin.) (巴瑞把饮料拿到凯文那儿.) [01:11.10]Kev, here's your drink. 凯文,你的饮料. [01:15.13]Thanks. What did you want to talk about? 谢谢.你想谈什么? [01:18.17]I didn't want to talk. 我不想说什么. [01:20.50]I just wanted to look at girls. 我只是想看看女孩子. [01:23.49]You're bad. 你真坏. [01:24.24]Do you ever think about anything else but girls? 除了女孩之外你就没有想过其他的吗? [01:28.56]Yes. 有. [01:30.33]What? 什么? [01:31.56]Wmoen! 女人! [01:33.27]You're terrible. 你很可怕. [01:35.31]Yes, but at least I am honest. 是的,但至少我很诚实. [01:38.48]That's true. 那是. [01:40.42]I guess it's normal for us to think about girls all the time. 我想我们一直想女孩子是正常的. [01:44.27]We are seventeen years old. 我们已经17岁了. [01:46.47]If it's not normal, I can't help it. I love girls. 就算不正常,我也没有办法.我爱女孩子. [01:52.18]You are not normal. 你不正常. [01:54.30]But you're my best friend so I like you anyway. 但你是我最好的朋友,不管怎么样我都会喜欢你的. [01:57.53]Be quiet. 安静. [01:58.96]Hey, it's time for school. 嗨,上课了. [02:02.56]I'll see you at lunch. Bye. 中午见. 再见. [02:05.10]Later. 一会儿见.