[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Situation6: Planning for the Meeting 场景6:会议部署 [00:04.40]I'm back. 我回来了。 [00:05.44]Here's your coffee. 这是你的咖啡。 [00:08.43]You feeling better? 你感觉好一点了吗? [00:11.00]I feel like a champ. Where should we begin? 我感觉像个勇士。 我们应该从哪开始? [00:14.37]As always, it's best to begin at the beginning. 象以前一样,最好从头开始 [00:18.44]What have you prepared for your meeting with Wang? 你为与王氏的会面都准备了什么? [00:22.42]Basically, I just have an outline of a presentation of our company's new software. 根本上说,我只是对我们公司新软件的介绍有了一个框架而已。 [00:29.02]I think our product is high quality . 我想我们的产品是高质量的, [00:32.12]and that the people from Wang will realize that once they hear a description of it 并且从王氏过来的人只要听到关于它的描述就会知道 [00:37.42]Well James, that's a little too simple. 可是James,那有点太简单了 [00:41.42]We know the product in good, but we have to convince them of that too. 我知道我们的产品是好,但是我们也要使他们信服。 [00:47.06]Luckily, I put together a video presentation on my notebook computer using our software. 好在我用软件将一个影像显示安装在我的笔记本电脑上。 [00:54.07]If they like the presentation, and I confident they will, 如果他们喜欢这个陈述,并且我相信他们会的, [00:59.09]then that automatically means that they like our company's product. 那么自然而然就意味着他们喜欢我们公司的产品。 [01:03.55]Steve, that's why you are at the top of sales. You think of everything in advance. Steve,那就是为什么你擅于推销,因为你有先见之明。 [01:10.37]I'm really just a computer software engineer; I can make this stuff but I can't sell it. 我仅仅只不过是一个电脑软件工程师,我能制作出这个材料但我却卖不掉它。 [01:16.33]Of course you can't. That's why Mr.Barnes put us together. 你当然不能了。那就是为什么Barnes先生把我们搭配在一起。 [01:21.50]I'll take care of selling the software, 我将负责软件的销售, [01:25.16]and you can answer any tough technical questions that the people from Wang might ask 你就回答王氏来人所问的一切复杂的技术问题 [01:30.48]I'm as bad at science as you are at sales. 我在科技方面就象你在营销方面一样不精通。 [01:34.19]Steve, you're too modest. Steve,你太谦虚了。 [01:37.13]You're great at sales, but I know you know something about computers too. 你精通营销,但是我知道你也懂得一些电脑知识。 [01:42.55]I still remember when we first started working here; 我依然记得我们刚开始在这里工作的时候; [01:47.01]you taught me a thing or two about Apple Macintosh computers. 你教我一些关于苹果牌电脑的知识。 [01:51.37]Sure I know about Macs, but that's just because I used one all through collage, 我确实知道它,那只是因为我大学期间都在用。 [01:57.42]Plus, any dummy can use a Mac. 再加上,只要是人都能用它。 [02:01.29]I couldn't. 我不会 [02:03.44]Not at first,But after about three days you were already better than me. 开始是不知道的,但是大概三天以后,你就已经比我好多了。 [02:09.14]Okey, okey. So I'm a computer nerd. 好,好。 我是个电脑天才。