[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Situation7: In a taxi 场景7: 在的士里 [00:03.27]Where to pal? 去哪朋友? [00:05.99]To Carleton College, please. 去Carleton大学。 [00:08.50]Do you know where Elliot House is? 你知道Elliot屋在哪吗? [00:11.73]Elliot's house? I thought you wanted to go to Carleton. Elliot的家?我想你要去Carleton。 [00:16.20]I do. And it's not Elliot's house, it's Elliot House. 我是,但不是Elliot的家,是Elliot屋 [00:21.51]That's the name of my dormitory. 那是我宿舍的名称。 [00:24.41]Oh, why didn't you say so? 哦,你为什么不这样说? [00:27.37]And no, I don't know where it is. 我不知道在哪。 [00:31.30]That's all right. 那好。 [00:32.78]Just go to the college and I'll give you directions from there. 就去学校我在那里将告诉你方向。 [00:38.03]You got it. (They arrive the from gate of the college.) 你到了。(他们到达学校大门口。) [00:42.26]We're here. Now where to? 我们到了,现在往哪走? [00:46.55]Make a right turn at the gate, then go down to streets and take a left. 在大门那向右拐,然后一直走再向左拐。 [00:52.51]Will that be a left on Broadway? 是不是在百老汇街向左拐? [00:55.53]Yes. Elliot House is at 357 Broadway. 是的。Elliot屋就在百老汇街357号 [00:59.94]Good for Elliot House, but Broadway is a one-way street. 好去Elliot屋,但百老汇街是单行道。 [01:05.18]I can only turn right. 我只能向右拐。 [01:07.41]Woops, sorry about that. 真是不幸 [01:09.87]I don't have a car and so I never pay attention to which strees are one-way. 我没有车,所以我从来不注意那条街是单行道。 [01:16.23]Don't worry about it, kid. 不要担心,小伙子。 [01:19.19]I know a shortcut anyway. 我还知道一条小路。 [01:21.55]I'll take the first left instead of the second, and then go around the back of your dorm. 我在第一个路口拐弯,然后开到你宿舍的后面去。 [01:27.44]Great. It's a good thing you know the streets around here better than I do. 好极了。这里的街道你比我知道的多还是件好事。 [01:33.07]That's my job. I get paid to know this streets. 那是我的工作。我靠知道这些街道赚钱。 [01:36.01]Where are you from, not from around here I guess? 你从哪来,我猜不是这周围的。 [01:40.17]No. I'm just here for school. I'm originally from Delaware. 不,我在这里上学。我是从德拉威州来的。 [01:45.09]Nice state, Delaware. 好地方,德拉威州。 [01:47.83]Well, here we are. 好,我们到了。 [01:51.23]That'll be seven dollars and fifty cents. 那是七美元五十分 [01:53.96]Here's nine. Keep the change. 这是九美元,不用找了。 [01:57.16]Thanks.No, thank you. 谢谢。不,谢谢你