[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Situation8: Charles' English Class 场景8:Charles的英语课 [00:03.51](After Mike leaves, Charles goes off to his second English literature class of the day. (Mike走后,Charles去上他今天的第二节英语文学课。 [00:09.41]He arrives early, takes his seat, and waits for the professor to begin.) 他很早就到了,坐在他的位置上,等待教授开始讲课。) [00:14.86]Good afternoon, class. 同学们,下午好。 [00:18.12]Today we are going to discuss the reasons for Shakespeare's near universal acceptance and popularity the world over. 今天我们讨论莎士比亚作品的普遍接受和世界声望的原因。 [00:25.15]It is not that English literature is superior to the literatures of other countries or that Shakespeare was a better writer than other authors. 不是英语文学优于其他国家的文学或者是莎士比亚比其他作者优秀。 [00:34.05]Although he was, of course, a great writer, still, 就算他是,当然,仍然是一个伟大的作家, [00:39.90]I believe, it is the universality of his themes and stories which makes him great. 我相信,是他的普遍性的文章和故事使他伟大。 [00:45.05]Almost anyone from any country at any time in history can identify with these themes. 几乎历史上任何国家的任何人在任何时候都能认出这些文章。 [00:53.11]For all people in all times experience love, hatred, jealousy greed. 因为所有人都会经历爱情,憎恨,妒忌和贪婪。 [01:00.99]Everyone at one time or another has questioned the meaning of existence, or wanted to take revenge on an enemy. 一个时期每个人或另一个都要问生存的意义,或要向敌人报复。 [01:09.51]Yes, class, it is these subjects and questions which transcend time and place that make Shakespeare not only popular, but also great. 是的,同学们,这些超过时间和空间的主题和问题让萨士比亚不仅仅流行,还变得伟大。