[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Situation 8: At Mrs. Kim's House 情景8  在Kim的家里 [00:05.30]All three of them get in Mrs. Kim's car and drive to her house. 他们三个进了的车,开车去她家。 [00:11.29]Auntie, your house is very close to the airport. 姑妈,你的房子在机场的附近。 [00:15.35]Yes, it only took twenty minutes to drive from the airport to your house. 是的,开车从机场到她家只要20分钟。 [00:21.24]Yes, it is very convenient to live close to the airport. 是的,住在机场附近真是太方便了。 [00:26.24]Let's go inside and get something to eat. 让我们进去吃一些东西。 [00:29.39]That sounds great. 听起来太好了。 [00:31.79]I'm really hungry. 我是真的饿了。 [00:35.08](All three of them go into Mrs. Kim's house.) 他们三个都进了吉姆的家里。 [00:38.35]What would you like to eat? 你喜欢吃什么? [00:42.08]I would like some kimch's chiger and rice. 我想要一些泡菜和米饭。 [00:46.29]No, Dad. 不,爸爸。 [00:48.35]We are in America. 我们在美国。 [00:51.12]We should eat American food. 我们应该吃美国食物。 [00:54.23]She is right. 她说对了。 [00:56.40]You can eat rice and kimch'i every day in Korea. 在韩国你天天都可以吃米饭和泡菜。 [00:59.81]How about eating some pizza? 吃比萨怎么样? [01:03.49]But we can eat pizza every day in Korea, too. 但是我们在韩国每天也能吃比萨。 [01:08.11]I know, but American pizza is different from Korean pizza. 我知道,但是美国比萨跟韩国的是不同的。 [01:12.79]Why don't you try it? 为什么不试一下? [01:15.07]Yeah, Dad, 是的,爸爸。 [01:17.25]I want to try American pizza. 我想试一下美国比萨。 [01:21.13]All right, you win. 好,你赢了。 [01:23.43]We'll try American pizza. 我们将试试美国比萨。 [01:27.03]Thanks, Dad. 谢谢你,爸爸。 [01:29.20]Jimmy will be coming home soon , 吉米不久就要回了, [01:32.18]so we should order two large pizzas. 因此我们将定两个大比萨。 [01:35.57]Jimmy eats a lot. 吉米吃很多。 [01:38.00]Who is Jimmy? 谁是吉米? [01:41.35]Jimmy is the American name of your cousin Jin-sok. 吉米是你表兄吉姆.索克勤克俭的美国名字。 [01:46.28]Jin-sok is a good name. 吉姆.索克是一个好名字。 [01:48.41]Why does he need an American name? 为什么他需要一个美国名字? [01:51.35]He doesn't need one, 他不必要一个。 [01:54.17]but he wanted one. 但是他想要一个。 [01:58.10]Dad, I want an American name, too. 爸爸,我也想一个美国名字。 [02:02.00]No, your name is Su-mi. 不,你的名字是苏米. [02:05.17]I gave you that name and you will use it. 我给了你那个名字,你将用它。 [02:08.57]What about Sue? 舒怎么样? [02:11.00]Sue is a good American name, 舒是一个好的美国名字, [02:15.30]and it sounds the same as the first half of Su-mi. 它听起来跟苏米的前一部分一样。 [02:19.07]Yeah, Dad, what about Sue? 是啊,爸爸,舒怎么样? [02:23.31]Sue is okay,but when we go back to Korea, 舒可以。但是当我们回到韩国 [02:27.51]you are Su-mi again. 你又是苏米。 [02:30.41]Okay. 行。