[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Situation 8: Brunch 场景 8: 吃早餐 [00:03.83](At many high schools the break after second period is called brunch. (许多高中把第二节课后的休息叫做吃早饭. [00:10.04]During brunch Kevin talks to his girlfriend Karen.) 在这期间凯文和他的女朋友卡安谈话.) [00:13.12]Hey Kev, what are you doing this weekend? 嘿卡安,你这个周末打算作什么? [00:18.40]My band is playing at the dance party after the football game tonight. 我的乐队今天晚上足球赛后要在舞会上表演. [00:22.52]I told you about it on Wednesday. 我星期三跟你说过了. [00:24.63]Don't you remember? 你不记得了吗? [00:27.51]Oh, that's right. 哦,是啊. [00:30.22]I'll be at the game with my friend Lisa. 我会和我的朋友尼萨去看球赛. [00:34.04]Can I meet you at the party? 我在晚会上能碰见你吗? [00:35.29]Why don't we go to the party together? 为什么我们不一起去呢? [00:38.04]But I have to stay with Lisa. 但是我要和尼萨呆在一起. [00:42.47]No problem. 没问题. [00:44.44]I can give you both a ride to the party. 我能送你们去晚会. [00:47.33]Okay. Is Barry going too? 好的.巴瑞也去吗? [00:50.15]Of course. 当然. [00:52.03]Is he going with us? 他和我们一块儿去吗? [00:54.59]Yes, why? 是的,为什么? [00:58.01]Lisa doesn't like him. 尼萨不喜欢他. [01:00.29]And I don't like him either. 我也不喜欢他. [01:03.03]But he's my friend and he's also in my band. 但是他是我的朋友,而且他也在我的乐队. [01:06.50]I have to give him a ride. 我也要送他去. [01:09.46]Well then Lisa and I will go with someone else. 那么我和尼萨就和别人一起去. [01:13.55]No. I'll make Barry go with someone else. 不.我让巴瑞和别人一起去. [01:16.26]I want to be with you. 我想和你一起去. [01:18.49]Really? Oh, thanks. I love you. 真的?哦,谢谢.我爱你. [01:22.49]I love you, too. 我也爱你.