[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:01:05]Emily Thorne-- 艾米莉·索恩 [00:02:53]Poor little rich girl next door. 隔壁家可怜的富家小千金 [00:05:08]You've had a target on my head since the day we met. 从我们认识那天 你就盯上我了 [00:08:44]Now you can see how it feels. 现在该你尝尝苦头了 [00:10:58]Tyler, buddy, put the gun down. 泰勒 兄弟把枪放下 [00:12:05]Shut up, Danny! 给我闭嘴 丹尼 [00:14:38]You made it clear 你说得很清楚 [00:15:23]that I'm not your buddy, and now... 我不再是你兄弟 此刻 [00:18:38]You're on the losing end of things for once in your life. 你的人生就要第一次尝到失去的滋味了 [00:21:59]Tyler, I beg of you, don't hurt my children. 泰勒我求你 别伤害我的孩子 [00:24:44]Please think about what you're doing. 请你思量下你现在的行为 [00:26:41]Oh, believe me, I-- I have. 相信我 我仔细想过 [00:30:04]And this time, the Graysons aren't the ones calling the shots. 这次格雷森不再是发号施令的人 [00:34:27]Now...How about a party game, huh? 现在 我们来玩个派对游戏如何 [00:37:53]Something we can all play. 玩个老少咸宜的游戏 [00:40:35]Let's call it... 我们就叫它 [00:42:14]Truth or die. 真心话大冒死 [00:46:02]I ask a question, and you tell the truth. 我提问 你们说真话 [00:49:15]If you don't... 如果不说真话 [00:52:22]Someone dies. 有人就得死 [00:54:24]Tyler, be reasonable. 泰勒 讲点道理吧 [00:55:30]You're not shooting anyone. 不要对任何人开枪 [00:58:01]Okay, Conny, you're up first. 好呀 康尼 你先来 [01:02:55]Now let's take it all the way back 让我们一起回到93年那个夏天 [01:05:19]to David Clarke and the summer of '93. 大卫·克拉克的事件上 [01:07:17]You have three seconds to tell everyone the truth 给你三秒钟 告诉大家 [01:11:35]about what really happened to David Clarke. 大卫·克拉克事件的真相