[00:01.42]Could it be that drastic water shortage was the reason for the mastodons' epic migrations? 会不会是因为极度缺水使得乳齿象进行了这么长距离的迁徙? [00:17.08]Another big piece of this puzzle lies far out to sea. 这个谜团的另一条线索位于海洋深处。 [00:34.49]This is the ocean floor. But this isn't rock sprouting out at the bottom. 这就是大洋底。但是它的形成却不是因为底部地壳的挤压。 [00:51.19]It's wood. It's the remains of prehistoric tree stumps, some dated at more than 12,000 years old. 这些都是木头,是史前时期树桩的化石,其中的一些可以追溯到12000多年前。 [01:10.01]This sunken forest is unmistakable evidence that what is now seabed was once dry ground. 很明显,这些沉入海底的树林可以证明,这片大洋底所处的位置曾经是片干地。 [01:27.28]And what is now Florida's coastline was once many miles in land. 现在佛罗里达的海岸线曾经都是数英里的陆地。但这又是为什么? [01:33.91]But why? To answer that, we have to go back to the mighty ice age glaciers that covered almost half the continent. 为了回答这一问题,我们需要回到冰河时代,看看覆盖了半片大陆的大冰期冰川。 [01:48.20]These glaciers contained immeasurable amounts of ice. 这些冰川蕴含的冰的数量无法估量。 [02:10.91]So much water was locked up in this ice that it lowered sea levels by over 70 meters. 这些冰川中贮存着大量的水,因此,那时的海平面比现在低70多米。 [02:18.21]The southeast coastal shelf was exposed and Florida doubled in size. The Everglades were dry land. 东南部的沿海大陆架还处于地表之上,而佛罗里达的面积也是现在的两倍大。那时的大沼泽地还是一片干燥的陆地。