[00:01:50]You were in the middle of the road! 你挡在路中间了 [00:04:09]Look! Look what you've done. 看看你做了什么 [00:36:53]No, sir, you mustn't! 不 先生 千万不能 [00:38:37]Sorry, miss. It's all I can do. 抱歉小姐 我只能这么做 [00:49:39]He won't sell Prince's body 他不肯把王子的尸体卖了 [00:56:45]says when we were knights of the land, 说我们还是英国爵士的时候 [00:58:26]we didn't sell our chargers for cat-meat, 就从没把战马卖了做猫食 [01:00:30]let 'em keep their shillings. 省省他们那点小钱吧 [01:03:20]Silly old fool.Mother... 真是越老越蠢 妈妈 [01:05:37]Still, I suppose we must take the ups with the downs. 看来 我们只能认命了 [01:08:47]He might get work, I suppose, as a day labourer. 他得出去找活干 做做临时工 [01:10:08]If his heart holds out, 如果心脏能受得了的话 [01:15:25]Mother, I'll go. 妈 我去 [01:16:08]What's that? 什么意思 [01:19:56]If that's what you want, I will go. 如果你想让我去 我去好了 [01:26:26]Claim kin. 去攀亲戚