[00:00:03]Nate hey. What are you doing home so early? Nate 怎么那么早就回来了 [00:02:33]It's after midnight. 已经是大半夜了 [00:04:06]We just thought you'd be with Blair. 我们以为你和Blair在一起 [00:06:17]How did she like her gift? 她喜欢你送的礼物吗 [00:08:03]I didn't make it to the party tonight. 我今晚没去她的生日派对 [00:11:15]Well, her actual birthday is today. 其实今天才是她的生日 [00:14:01]You can call her in the morning, maybe take her to lunch. 你可以早上打个电话给她 也许可以和她共进午餐 [00:16:20]It's a good plan. Really more special this way. 好主意 这很特别 [00:18:50]Dad, I know you think Blair will help save you 爸爸 我知道你认为Blair对你有用 [00:20:59]but I'm not doing this. 但是我不会这么做的 [00:22:46]It's over. 一切都结束了 [00:25:39]Nate. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do to protect our family Nate 为了保护我的家人 我什么事都做得出来 [00:31:46]and I'm sure you feel the same. 我相信你也有同感 [00:33:57]I need your support here, son and your trust. 我需要你的支持儿子 还有你的信任 [00:36:34]Well, you better hope for your sake. 你最好希望他们看在你的份上 [00:39:21]They don't call your son to the stand. 他们不会让你儿子为你作证的