[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00:01]Patagonia, Chile, 智利,巴塔哥尼亚 [00:05:11]home to one of the most extraordinary of beetles. 孕育着最独树一格的甲虫 [00:11:36]There are many kinds of beetles in the world, 世界上有许多不同的甲虫 [00:14:07]but this one has some of the biggest jaws of all. 但这种甲虫长了数一数二的大颚 [00:18:33]He is Darwin's beetle. 这是一只智利长牙锹形虫 [00:19:32]He is on his way to the forest to look for a mate. 它正准备到森林里寻找配偶 [00:29:57]Whether he gets one or not will depend on his strength... 至于能否如愿 [00:34:35]and on the size of his jaws. 要看它的力气和它颚部的大小 [00:38:41]He starts his search. 它开始寻寻觅觅 [00:53:32]A female is likely to be on a tree trunk. 雌甲虫可能出现在树干上 [00:59:08]But trees, in this part of the world are very tall. 不过这一带多半是参天巨木 [01:07:10]His search could be a long one. 它可能要找上老半天 [01:14:50]Unfortunately for him, she is 25 metres above him near the top. 它运气不好,雌甲虫在二十五公尺高处 就快到树梢了 [01:25:37]She has more normal-sized jaws. 雌甲虫的颚部尺寸比较正常 [01:29:19]But then she only needs them for feeding. 不过它的颚部只用来进食 [01:31:40]But he needs immense jaws forfighting... 但雄甲虫需要极大的颚部来打架 [01:35:34]..because there are other males around with the same mission. 因为附近还有其他雄甲虫 肩负着同样的任务