[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00:29]This male moth doesn't go in search of females. 这只雄蛾不必寻找雌蛾 [00:05:30]He inflates a pair of scented plumes 它张开一对从腹部末端 [00:08:46]that protrude from the end of his abdomen. 突出的芳香羽毛 [00:12:24]And they come to him! 雌蛾就自动送上门来 [00:15:28]All insects have the same basic design... 昆虫的基本设计都一样 [00:24:59]six legs and an armour-covered body. 六条腿和一具甲壳包裹的身体 [00:28:57]But the different parts can become exaggerated 但身体各个部分可以扩张 [00:32:48]tosolve particular problems. 来解决个别的问题 [00:40:01]This beetle has a giraffe's neck in order to fight. 这只甲虫有长颈鹿的颈子 方便打架 [00:47:06]A praying mantis is disguised as a flower and waits in ambush. 有只膛螂伪装成一朵花 随时准备伏击 [00:54:04]Another is almost invisible amongdead leaves. 另一只躲在枯叶间 几乎看不出来 [00:59:09]Insects' armour can carry colours that can camouflage or communicate. 昆虫的甲壳可化为各种颜色 借此伪装或沟通