[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00:01]Her destination is Mexico 它的目的地是墨西哥 [00:05:34]and one small and special group of trees. 和一小群独特的树木 [00:08:51]No-one knows how she finds them, in these great mountain forests. 在这大片的山林里 谁也不知道它是怎么找到的 [00:17:45]She joins other monarch butterflies 它和其他帝王斑蝶作伴 [00:20:09]that have travelled here from all over North America. 一路飞越北美到这儿来 [00:28:34]Countless butterflies crowd these particular trees, 数之不尽的蝴蝶 聚集在这些树上 [00:40:46]hanging from every branch. 悬挂在每根枝娅上 [00:43:09]They come here because, although winter brings a chill to the air, 它们飞到这儿来 是因为尽管冬天的空气变得冷冽 [00:47:30]there will not be a lethal freeze as there will in Canada. 还不至于像加拿大那样 把它们冻死 [00:51:56]The conditions are perfect for hibernation. 这里的环境最适合冬眠 [01:02:43]Hibernating butterflies are vulnerable to predators. 冬眠的蝴蝶 是掠食动物眼中的肥羊 [01:07:22]But monarchs are poisonous. 但帝王斑蝶带有毒性 [01:09:33]However, a few birds have learned to rip out the toxic parts and eat the rest. 不过有些鸟儿 学会扯掉有毒的部分 [01:15:04]They kill hundreds of thousands of butterflies 把剩下的吃进肚里 几千只蝴蝶死在它们手里 [01:17:42]and dislodge many more. 被赶走的更多 [01:23:31]Those that fall must get back into the trees before nightfall brings another killer. 落下的蝴蝶必须回到树上 否则夜里又出现另一个杀手 [01:29:53]They vibrate their wings to warm their flight muscles. 它们振动翅膀为飞行肌肉加温 [01:32:46]But it's a race against time. 但这是一场和时间的赛跑 [01:39:57]Night brings a lethal ground frost. 夜晚带来致命的地面霜