[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:01:41]The valiantants drive him off... straight into real danger. 它被英勇的蚂蚁赶跑了 立刻身陷险境 [00:11:20]A mongoose. 一只蒙哥 [00:14:44]It's inquisitive. 蒙哥很好奇 [00:21:51]But it's also wary of the oogpister. 但也忌惮步行虫 [00:23:29]A black and white pattern is a warning signal. 黑白相间的花纹就是警告信号 [00:29:03]The beetle takes aim... 甲虫瞄准目标 [00:35:12]And fires formic acid straight at the mongoose's eyes and mouth. 把甲酸直接射向 蒙哥的眼睛和嘴巴 [00:44:24]The beetle probably collected this acid from the ants. 甲虫大概是从 蚂蚁身上收集这种酸 [00:47:38]It certainly makes the beetle itself very distasteful and that, 甲虫自己自然也弄得一身腥 [00:51:00]in turn, makes it worth mimicking. 因此有了模仿的价值 [00:53:25]This defenceless little lizard carries the beetles' warning pattern. 这只毫无防御的小蜥蜴 身怀甲虫的警示花纹 [01:00:49]It also imitates the way the beetle runs. 也模仿甲虫奔跑的步伐 [01:07:08]Not particularly well, it's true, but well enough to 模仿得不是很像,的确 [01:10:04]fool predators into thinking it just might be an acid-firing beetle. 但是以欺骗掠食动物,以为这或许只是 一种发射酸液的甲虫